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Message from Prime Minister Boris Johnson for Saint-Piran in Cornwall


Prime Minister Boris Johnson sent a special message to Cornwall before the Saint-Piran.

Speaking during Prime Minister's questions today – Wednesday – Steve Austell and Newquay MP Steve Double asked if the government would support litium mining in Cornwall.

He ended the question by inviting the Prime Minister to wish the people of Cornwall a happy Saint Piran's Day, which is tomorrow – March 5.

Mr Johnson, born in Penzance, said: "This country is the world leader in battery technology and it is a wonderful thing that Cornwall has vast resources of lithium."

He wished Mr. Double a happy St Piran's Day and then delivered a Cornish speech declaring "Kernow Bys Vyken", which means "Cornwall Forever".

It was followed by strong cheers from conservative benches.

But this is not the first time that the Prime Minister has spoken the Cornish language.

During a visit before the 2019 general election, he answered a question to Cornish during a rally at Healey's Cyder Farm.

Who was St Piran?

St Piran was a priest in the west of Ireland. He fell out with the king and was thrown from a cliff with a millstone tied around his neck. He managed to navigate the mass of granite with a hole through the Celtic Sea and landed at Perranporth.

Piran met a bunch of guys with a fire and a load of black rocks all around. They started the fire and welcomed it. As the fire got hotter, the black stones got hotter and a white liquid started to flow out. St Piran noticed it and therefore made us melt which allowed us to melt the tin. This is where the white cross on the black rock comes from.

A walk of Saint-Piran through the dunes of Perranporth

He traveled to Cornwall – he was part of a huge community of saints. He talked to animals, had a drink, had a very deep code of ethics and was not afraid to resist authority (like all Cornish people). Legend has it that he lived until his 200th birthday.

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When is St Pirans Day?

St. Piran's Day is March 5 of each year – in the wake of Welsh National Day, St. David's Day, March 1. the daffodil is strongly associated with St Piran.

The Feast of St. Piran began as one of the many tinning parties observed by the tin miners in Cornwall. Other minors' vacations of a similar nature include Picrous Day and Chewing Thursday. The Breage and Germoe miners observed the feast of St Pirans as that of their patron saint until at least 1764.

Bert Biscoe, councilor for Cornwall and the city of Truro and bard of the Cornish Gorsedh, previously said: "It is the first day of every Cornish spring. I think that Saint-Piran and Saint-Pirantide are a celebration of openness and kindness and it is actually a time when we say to cynicism, we will have none of you.

"The identity of Cornwall among schoolchildren is exploding and one reason is that they all go out and dance and parade on St. Piran's Day.

A parade of Saint-Piran in Truro
A parade of Saint-Piran in Truro

Julian German, now leader of the Cornwall Council, added: "We will see the St Piran celebrations continue across the Atlantic – Portugal, Ireland, Massachusetts, Grass Valley, Australia, South Africa – all of these places where the Cornish diaspora s # 39; is returned.

"St Piran's Day and all the events surrounding it highlight particular aspects of Cornish culture, from the use of language to dance, simply passing the flag and eating pastries , many different aspects of how we live our lives because that is what culture is – this response to our environment that has come together over hundreds of years. "

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