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Senior Bowl to be played in new American stadium – WKRG News 5


MOBILE, Ala. (WKRG) – The Reese Senior Bowl has announced a partnership with the University of South Alabama to play the senior bowl in the university's new stadium.

The following is a press release from Reese's Senior Bowl:

The Reeses Senior Bowl board of directors voted unanimously today to agree to a multi-year agreement with the University of South Alabama to play the game Reeses Senior Bowl on television nationwide and its training week at Hancock Whitney Stadium, a brand new 25,000 seat state. – a state-of-the-art stadium located on the campus of the University of South Alabama in Mobile, Alabama, starting in 2021, said Angus R. Cooper II, chairman and chairman of the board of the Senior Bowl .

Hancock Whitney Stadium offers a fan and football experience unmatched by any stadium in the area. Fans will enjoy the best choices of food and drink inside the stadium, acres of grassy pre-game areas and camper vans around the stadium, and thousands of reserved parking spaces on the campus supported by fan shuttles. For the first time in the history of games, NFL fans and staff will have access to chairs and benches, private indoor and outdoor suites, as well as premium club seats and lodge with free access to the food and drinks at the indoor club level. NFL fans and attendees alike will appreciate the advanced technology at Hancock Whitney Stadium, including the mega video card and audio system, an easy-to-use online seat and parking control system, and an option for a paperless entry to the stadium. NFL coaches, scouts and players will be better accommodated with weightlifting and sports medicine equipment from the University of South Alabamas, first-class indoor and outdoor practice facilities, changing rooms and brand new meeting areas.

The Reeses Senior Bowl, the nation's most prestigious college star game and the start of the annual NFL draft, belongs to the Mobile Sports and Arts Association and was played at the Ladd-Peebles Mobiles Stadium from 1951 to 2020 The 2019 game produced 93 draft picks in total, which represented 37% of the 2019 NFL draft, including 10 selections in the first round and 40 players selected in the first three rounds. The game featured legendary coaches like Don Shula and Tom Landry and 54 former Senior Bowl players entered the Professional Football Hall of Fame, including all-time greats like Joe Namath, Walter Payton, Dan Marino, Bo Jackson and Brett Favre.

The 2021 Reeses Senior Bowl will be played on January 30, 2021 and broadcast nationwide on the NFL network. More updates regarding game tickets will be released in the near future

President and Chairman of the Board of the Senior Bowl, Angus R. Cooper II: For decades, Ladd-Peebles Stadium has served the Senior Bowl well and while we are now writing the next chapter in the rich history of games at Hancock Whitney Stadium, we are doing it in a state-of-the-art facility that offers the best fan experience for our communities and the great staff and NFL players who make our game possible.

Jim Nagy, executive director of Reeses Senior Bowl: We owe it to our community and to our players to host the country's first college football star game in the most advanced stadium in the region and this transition to Hancock Whitney Stadium will best ensure that our game resides in Mobile , in Alabama, for decades to come.

The new South Alabama stadium will provide fans, sponsors and NFL staff with excellent campus parking and tailgating, world-class food and beverage options, and an exceptional overall experience that will be enhanced with options Unbeatable premium seats and the latest stadium technology.

Marketing Director of Reeses Corporation, John Maitrejean: Reeses has been the title sponsor of the Reeses Senior Bowl since 2014 and has seen the growth and development of this one-of-a-kind college game over the past six years. As we prepare for the Senior Bowl 2021 Reeses, we are excited about the new opportunities that the new stadium at the University of South Alabamas will offer players, fans and the community of Mobile, Alabama. This decision will continue to reinforce the fact that the draft begins in Mobile with the Reeses Senior Bowl.

Reeses Senior Bowl Senior Vice President of Operations, Sylvester Croom: I played and coached in the Senior Bowl and it was the right decision. Ladd-Peebles stadium has served the game well for a long time and now Hancock Whitney stadium is where the game should be for the future of this game in our community.

University of Alabama head coach Nick Saban: The people of Mobile are very proud to host the Senior Bowl and it is an exciting decision for the city and football. I attended a Senior Bowl practice at the University of South Alabama two years ago and I came away very impressed with the facilities. I look forward to seeing our Crimson Tide players in Mobile every year.

Head Coach of Auburn University, Gus Malzahn: For years, the Senior Bowl has provided our players with a great opportunity to showcase their mobile talent in Alabama to the entire NFL community and I am thrilled with the great football experience they will enjoy in the brand new facilities at Hancock Whitney Stadium.

Mobile, Ala. Native and NFL Pro Football-of-Fame Class of 2018, Robert Brazile: I will always have fond memories of playing in the Senior Bowl at Ladd-Peebles in 1975 and now for the good of the game in the future and as far as 2021 is concerned, I understand that the new Hancock Whitney stadium at the cutting edge of technology is where our game should be played.

Oakland Raiders head coach Jon Gruden: Ive coached the Senior Bowl three times and it is an exciting decision for coaches and players. These players are the best of the best in college football and they deserve the best possible facilities. Having new locker rooms, on-site meeting space and athletic training facilities will certainly make things better for NFL coaches and players.

Seattle Seahawks general manager John Schneider: While we enjoyed our experience at the Senior Bowl last year, this facility upgrade is a game-changer for the game. This decision will be widely welcomed in the NFL Scout community.

Baltimore Ravens Executive Vice President, Ozzie Newsome:First, as an Alabama native, the Senior Bowl had to do whatever it deemed necessary to keep the game going in the city of Mobile. The move to the University of South Alabama is what is best for the game.


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