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Boris Johnson Says He "Will Stay" With Priti Patel Under Labor Fire | Politics


Boris Johnson has supported governments for Priti Patel following new allegations of intimidation, insisting that the Minister of the Interior was doing a remarkable job, while Jeremy Corbyn demanded an independent investigation into whether she had broken the ministerial code.

Patel stood by Johnson on the frontline during Prime Minister's questions as he told the Commons that she was keeping the country safe by increasing the number of police on the streets and putting in place a system to face our migration crisis.

He said: The home secretary does a remarkable job: bringing about change, putting the police on the streets, reducing crime and offering a new immigration system and I stand by it.

Allegations were revealed Tuesday evening that the Minister of the Interior had intimidated a third official, her private secretary, who had to leave work with stress. This would have happened when she was secretary for international development between 2016 and 2017.

Patel denies any allegations made against her.

On Saturday, Sir Philip Rutnam radically resigned from his post as permanent secretary of the Home Office, claiming that he had been the subject of an information campaign against him who had been tolerated by Patel, and he initiated legal action against the government for constructive dismissal.

A former assistant to Patel, who was previously Minister of Employment at the Ministry of Labor and Pensions, also reportedly received 25,000 payments after taking an overdose of prescription drugs as a result of bullying.

Corbyn said Prime Minister must release findings of any investigation, but was pushing for independent process because government could not be judge and jury to find out if cabinet member violated ministerial code .

The leader of the Labor Party has said: will he now undertake to conduct an independent investigation into the behavior of home secretaries led by an external lawyer and to commit to a date by which his findings will be made public?

Johnson replied that it was fair that there should be an investigation into any allegation of intimidation and that is what the Cabinet Office was doing. He said it would be chaired by Sir Alex Allan, the Prime Ministers' independent advisor on ministerial standards.

He said: It protects this country by putting a record number of police. She believes in stopping the early release of offenders and is putting in place a system to deal with our migration crisis with an Australian-style point-based system.

Returning to Corbyn, he added: He would stop and look. He believes that we need to get rid of our security services and he certainly does not want to attack our immigration system.

Corbyn said: It's about whether he will publish the findings of an investigation into the behavior of home secretaries. A government cannot be judge and jury on its own conduct. There must be an independent element in this investigation.

He said that Patels' new allegations to the Department of International Development suggested a pattern of shocking and unacceptable behavior in three departments.

A Corbyns spokesman later revealed that the Labor Party has received details of other matters regarding the conduct of secretaries at home in recent days. We were contacted by former Priti Patel staff members saying there were additional allegations of bullying, said the spokesman.

Mocking the Prime Minister over his previous use of foul language to discuss wasted money, Corbyn said: On every occasion, tens of thousands of pounds of hard-earned taxpayers' money have were injected along the wall to buy their silence, and asked Johnson if he was aware of the allegations and, if so, why he had named Patel.

Johnson replied: The Minister of the Interior is doing a remarkable job. I have full confidence in her. If there are allegations, of course it is fair that they are the subject of an appropriate investigation by the Cabinet Office and that is what is happening.

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