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Boris Johnson faces conservative revolt if he allows fuel rights to rise in the coming weeks Budget The Sun


BORIS Johnson faces a Commons backyard defeat if he authorizes the first fuel tariff increase in 10 years in next week's budget.

The Sun may reveal that the number of Conservative MPs who have spoken out publicly against the end of the fuel tariff freeze has passed the 40 crucial point mark, which would wipe out the majority of MPs at 80 seats in one vote in the House of Commons.

    Boris Johnson faces conservative revolt if he allows fuel tariff hikes in next week's budget


Boris Johnson faces conservative revolt if he allows fuel tariff hikes in next week's budgetCredits: Getty Images – Getty

A total of 53 Conservative MPs wrote to the Chancellor asking him to abandon plans to end the decade-long freeze that would see gasoline and diesel prices rise 2p liter from next month.

Conservative MPs also reminded Sunak of George Osbornes' famous budget for Omnishambles, in which the former chancellor was forced to make a humiliating U-turn after trying to increase fuel charges of 3p per liter.

It came as new figures revealed the threat of an increase in fuel duties for the British military of 4.5 million small businesses, with a survey showing that nine out of ten of they say they depend on a vehicle to work.

Last night, the Federation of Small Business gave its weight to The Suns Keep it Down campaign, which ensured that fuel rights remained frozen for ten years.

FSB boss Mike Cherry has warned that increasing fuel taxes will weigh on small businesses.

They already pay more than 50p tax for every liter of fuel they buy, which would increase the rate would hurt millions of small business owners and their employees. "

Not all small businesses have the luxury of being based in a big city with lots of transportation options. Many simply have to use local roads to get around.

    Chancellor Rishi Sunak has been called by backbenches who are "very concerned" that he is willing to cancel the Prime Minister's election engagement


Chancellor Rishi Sunak has been called by backbenches who are "very concerned" that he is willing to cancel the Prime Minister's election engagementCredits: Getty Images – Getty

In letter – seen by The Sun – backbench MPs tell Rishi Sunak that they are very concerned that he plans to cancel the election engagement Boris Johnsons not to raise fuel taxes.

Signatories include powerful great conservatives such as former chief Iain Duncan Smith and former cabinet ministers David Davis and Chris Grayling.

The conservative rebellion exploded yesterday after it emerged that the chancellor had not ruled out raising fuel duties, despite the brutal reaction that followed the Suns' revelation that he was plotting the tax raid for raise $ 4 billion and strengthen the government's green powers.

The letter warns Mr. Sunak not to balance environmentalism on the backs of workers. "

He adds: They depend on their cars, vans and trucks to get around and run a small business. Every penny of a rise in the price of fuel jeopardizes their financial security. "

The increase in fuel duties also has an impact on bus users, food prices, utilities and businesses. Prices for many other things also go up due to the high cost of transportation.

Stack of pressure on the Chancellor to abandon the plans, the group of conservatives write: We are optimistic that it will be a government for the workers. "

The measures announced to lower taxes for low wages are truly welcome – all the more reason not to hit normal people hard with higher fuel taxes – especially after the solid track record of the past ten years by freezing fuel taxes and saving drivers an average of almost 1,000 a year.

Conservative Tory Robert Halfon added: "On both sides of the red wall, blue-collar and white-collar, city or country, the Conservatives are united against an increase in fuel tariffs."

"Let us not be the government that hammers hard-working families and harms the NHS and our other public services by increasing fuel costs. Let us be the Conservative government that the people who elected and trusted us 39; were waiting for us to be. "

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