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Officer killed in US Capitol attack rushed to GW hospital – The GW Hatchet


Media credit: Grace Hromin | Photo editor assistant

The motorcade from the hospital to the office of the chief medical examiners in DC included the United States Capitol Police and the United States Parks Police.

The U.S. Capitol Police officer killed in Friday’s attack on the U.S. Capitol has been rushed to GW Hospital, according to the Metropolitan Police Department.

Kristen Metzger, a spokesperson for the MPD, said the department participated in a procession transporting the corps of officers from the hospital to the DC’s office of chief medical examiners around 4 p.m. Friday afternoon. The motorcade took place less than three hours after a vehicle crashed into two Capitol Hill police officers near Constitution Avenue before another officer shot and killed the suspect after he got out of the vehicle and walked away. rushed with a knife.

Capitol Police Officer William Evans died of injuries sustained in the Capitol attack, a statement said. He had served in the force for 18 years.

It is with deep sadness that I share the news of the death of Constable William ‘Billy’ Evans this afternoon from injuries sustained following an attack on the north barricade by an assailant. lonely, said Acting Capitol Police Chief Yogananda Pittman. Officer Evans had been a member of the United States Capitol Police for 18 years. He began his USCP service on March 7, 2003 and was a member of the Capitol Division’s first responder unit. Please keep Officer Evans and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Capitol Hill police said in a statement earlier this afternoon that Evans was taken in a police car to hospital. The suspect was transported by DC Fire and Emergency Medical Services to hospital, where he succumbed to his injuries around 1:30 p.m., the statement said.

The other policeman struck by the car remains stable and is in a “non-threatening condition”.

Metzger said MPD led the procession of Evans’ body out of courtesy to escort the hospital officer to the chief medical examiner’s office. The procession also included officers from the Capitol Police and the US Parks Police.

She added that MPD also often helps guide the procession from office to a funeral home after the incident.

We just want to offer our condolences to the United States Capitol Police for the loss of their officer, Metzger said. It is just a truly tragic event that has happened today, and we also offer our condolences to the officer’s family.

She said MPD agents would investigate the attack, engaging with suspects and witnesses at the crime scene while gathering video evidence.

Whenever an officer unloads his gun in the District of Columbia, we would investigate it, and then because there are deaths, we also investigate any deaths in the district, whether it was homicide or simply death, she said.

GW alerted the university community to police activity outside the hospital at 3:30 p.m.

“Increased police presence on 900-BLK 23rd St NW,” read the alert. “Expect delays. No threat to the campus.

President Joe Biden ordered White House flags lowered to half mast just before 5 p.m.

Jill and I were heartbroken to learn of the violent attack at a US Capitol grounds security checkpoint, which killed US Capitol Police Officer William Evans and left another officer fighting for his life, Biden said in a statement. We extend our sincere condolences to the family of Constable Evans and to all who mourn his loss. We know how difficult this time has been for the Capitol, all those who work there and those who protect it.

The attack comes nearly three months after a mob of rioters stormed the Capitol in January, killing a Capitol police officer in the attack. The insurgency has given way to increased security measures, with members of the National Guard occupying the campus ahead of the presidential inauguration.

Capitol Police extended security fences around the Capitol building after the January 6 attacks, but officers began removing the fences last month, citing no known and credible threats.

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