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The Leveling Up Fund design is illegal, says the UK campaign group.


The British government is facing legal action on charges of putting public money into regions of countries voting for the ruling Conservative Party.

A judicial review allegation threatened by the campaign group Good Law Project claims the £48bn Leveling Up Fund’s design is illegal.

The funds, which were released in the budget on March 3, delivered funds to local authorities and ranked according to their priorities in a manner designed to favor Tori lawmakers or Tori targets.

Several experts have attacked the ranking system, breaking down the UK’s local authorities area into three stages that need it. Rather than relying on the government’s official deprivation index, they favored rural areas with tailored measures such as commuting distance, vacant homes, and productivity levels.

Thus, Richmondshire, the leafy constituency of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in Yorkshire, and Newark, home of local government minister Robert Jenrick, were given top priority. Barnsley and Salford are among the poorest neighborhoods in the United States and have been ranked as a second-tier priority. Both have labor committees and lawmakers.

According to an analysis by the Financial Times, in the UK, 14 wealthier-than-average regions were included in the poorest category, all of which had at least one Conservative party member.


These funds are meant to revive town centers, improve transportation infrastructure, and preserve cultural, heritage and civic assets.

The Good Law Project says the rankings are illegal because the top priority is to receive £125,000 capacity funding to bid for the LUF and are more likely to succeed.

The claim letter sent on March 29th is objecting to the government in four ways. They allege that they have violated the equality laws because there is no evidence to assess their impact on racial and gender equality.

Second, it is argued that it violated the customary law obligations of transparency and good administration because the data on the ranking side were not disclosed.

Third, it is said to have acted irrationally due to “a flaw in standards/methodology”.

Fourth, “the decision was contaminated by irrelevant considerations/inappropriate purposes, namely the Conservative’s electoral advantage (or potential electoral advantage)”.

“It could be a coincidence, or you could try to buy a ticket with public money,” said Jolyon Maugham, a lawyer who founded the project.

The argument also refers to the Towns Fund, a separate £3.6 billion pot ahead of the 2019 general election.

Jolyon Maugham, Founder of the Good Law Project:’It could be a coincidence, or an attempt to buy votes with public funds’ © Jason Alden/Bloomberg

Ministers later admitted that they had selected 61 of the 101 cities selected for funding bids, including Newark, the 270th poorest region in the United States. Other better cities chosen by ministers included neighboring constituencies such as Cheadle, Milton Keynes, and Lewes.

Of the first 45 plans for project approval announced on March 3, 40 had at least one Conservative party member.

According to a 2020 survey by the National Audit Bureau, the government “released a list of selected cities without basic information to support the choice.”

The legislator’s interparty public accounting committee said the ministers had “assumed” and their lack of transparency raised concerns about “political prejudice”.

A spokesperson for housing, community and local government said, “The £4.8 billion level-up fund is open to all parts of the UK and will play an important role in supporting and regenerating the community.

“The published methodology clarifies the metrics used to identify the places we believe are most needed. It is not appropriate to comment on potential legal action.”

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