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British Ambassador of Myanmar closes access to London embassy after remarks against coup | World news


The British Ambassador of Myanmar was imprisoned at the British embassy in London after urging the release of the detained leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

Kyaw Zwar Minn told Reuters news agency “I’m trapped”, speaking against a military coup that resulted in the deaths of about 600 protesters.

And he told Sky News, “This is London, not Burma. They have taken my embassy. I am not comfortable.”

Image: Mr. Zwar Minn was closed after demanding the release of detained leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

Diplomatic sources told Reuters that his agent Chitwin banned him and took over the building with the help of a military officer.

“It’s kind of a coup. In the middle of London… you can see they’re occupying my building,” the ambassador added that he was talking with the British Foreign Office about development.

Last month he demanded the release of Suzy and ousted President Win Myint.

Metropolitan police said Wednesday evening that there were protests outside the embassy and public order officials were on the scene. I haven’t been arrested.

Mr. Zwar Minn insisted on protesters gathered in the Mayfair building, “This is my building. I have to go inside, so I’m waiting here.”

According to Myanmar activists and media, at least 15 protesters were shot and killed by security forces in Myanmar on Wednesday.

Dozens of people are said to have been injured.

Image: Police said on Wednesday evening that officials were outside the embassy. Image: The Ambassador described the situation as a’coup in the middle of London’.

The Association for Support of Political Prisoners (AAPP) said grenades and machine guns were used by protesters in the northwest city of Kale, killing at least eight people.

Housing and community clinics were also raided, the group said.

Myanmar Now News said the village had at least 11 deaths and at least 20 nationwide.

Image: Anti-coup protesters burn Chinese flags in Yangon on Wednesday. Figure: AP

Another anxiety caused a Chinese-owned factory to be burned in Yangon, China’s largest city.

China appears to support military action, and there were more than 30 arson attacks against a Chinese investment plant in Yangon last month.

Residents also said government buildings, military hospitals and shopping centers were the targets of a series of small explosions. No casualties were reported.

The US embassy said it has received reports of “a homemade’sound bomb’ or fireworks that can make noise and cause minimal damage.”

Image: Protesters behind barricades in Mandalay last month-about 600 now killed

The military expelled the Myanmar-elected government on February 1, alleging there was voter fraud in last year’s elections.

According to the AAPP, as of Wednesday, more than 2,800 people were detained in protests for seizure of power, killing about 598 people.

Image: Aung San Suu Kyi and her party are still hosting the best figures.

Chief General Min Aung Hlaing, leader of the coup, said democratic protesters are trying to “destroy” the country.

He claims that the civil disobedience movement destroyed hospitals, schools, offices and factories.

Meanwhile, Aung San Suu Kyi and the top figures of the National League for Democracy party who won the landslide in the November presidential election are still taking a stand against their will.

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