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We love foie gras: French anger in Britain, plans to ban the import of cruel delicacies | Animal welfare


Francis Foie Gras Producers Association said he expressed shock and anger at the fact that the British government is considering a ban on imports of its products.

And she invited the MP to visit a French farm that produces foie gras to see forcibly feeding ducks and geese, as animal rights activists claim, and to judge for herself if it was cruel and tortured.

Marie-Pierre P, director of Comit Interprofessionnel des Palmipdes Foie Gras (CIFOG), representing about 3,500 foie gras producers, said: The freedom to sell perfectly healthy products as defined in international agreements is a threat.

For countries that seek freedom of trade, it is not only paradoxical, but also shows a problem of judgment based on a lack of understanding of production and an anthropomorphic perception that the animals used in production are suffering.

Obviously they don’t know how we do things. Before making this decision, I invite them to visit the foie gras producers so they can make a reasonable decision. We have nothing to hide and operate with complete transparency.

For the cause of the most controversial part of foie gras production, the gavage tube pushed down the bird’s neck to pump food into the digestive system, causing the liver to swell to several times its original size, P said activists are human-caused personification. Characteristic of animals by claiming that this hurts or hurts ducks and geese.

The necks of ducks and geese are different from yours, so people have to stop the video of inserting tubes into their necks. First, the duck’s neck is elastic, and at the bottom there is a pouch for storing food called gsiers, like our stomach, she said.

Ghislaine Lalanne is forced to feed her ducks on a farm in Caupenne, southwestern France. Foie gras producers have been hit hard by bird flu outbreaks in recent years, slaughtering thousands of birds. Photo: Gaizka Iroz / AFP / Getty

No harm to them. Of course, you need to know how to insert the tube, but if done correctly, we know that the animal does not suffer and scientific studies have been done on the possible effects of garbage.

Gastrointestinal nutrition is carried out twice a day, taking into account the digestive rhythm of the animal. You cannot force the digestive cycle. Because if your digestive cycle is blocked, you won’t get foie gras.

Sometimes it is impossible to say that there are no accidents, but it is exceptional. Farmers are not interested in harming their animals.

A British partisan has sent letters to ministers urging them to ban the sale of foie gras within the UK. Letters to environmental secretary George Eustice and animal welfare minister Lord Goldsmith were coordinated by campaign group Animal Equality.

Over the next few months, thousands more ducks and geese will withstand the torture of this cruel product, the letter says.

The Environment, Food and Rural Department said it was seeking further restrictions on the delicacy, following reports that Goldsmith decided to ban sales in the UK earlier this year, which it described as unbearably barbaric.

Workers processing foie gras and other duck products at Maison Lafitte in Castelnau-Montaut in southwest France. Photo: Philippe Lopez/AFP/Getty

Abigail Penny, Managing Director of Animal Equality UK, said: Foie gras is the definition of animal cruelty and people are clearly united by hatred for this evil product. We can no longer tolerate this. The ban cannot come soon.

But opponents of the ban disagree. Richard Corrigan, who runs several Mayfair restaurants, said the ban would put the UK in nanny, while LEscargot co-owner George Pell said there is a paradox among those who enjoy eating and advocating for industrially farmed food. . prohibition.

P said that the legality of foie gras production has been reviewed several times and found to comply with European food regulations.

Yes, there were videos with shocking images of the farm, but it’s an exception and that farm doesn’t reflect our division and profession. Our farms are controlled by the authorities and producers promise to guarantee the welfare of animals.

She added: It’s understandable whether people don’t like foie gras or don’t want to eat animals or animal products, but there is respect for animals in our production. I have no problem saying this because I know it is true.

I am angry and sad, P said. Obviously, the British government will not pass a law based on a one-sided argument. I personally invite them to come and see for themselves.

Prepared duck foie gras at Chateau Lafaurie-Peyraguey near Sauternes. Photo: Georges Gobet/AFP/Getty

P said foie gras was chosen as a ban because it is a gastronomic symbol in France. I think we are an easy goal.

Themes and strategies repeated by animal rights organizations. They create sensational images that affect the economy. We have to ask ourselves. Are we being manipulated?

France is the world’s largest producer, consumer and exporter of foie gras. CIFOG says French farmers produced 15,000 tonnes of foie gras last year compared to 18,800 tonnes produced in and around the Frigordes region of southwestern France last year. Up to 5,000 tonnes are exported per year and up to 200 tonnes per year are exported to the UK.

P says producers reported 1.2 million new French buyers in 2020 during a time when foie gras was traditionally eaten despite Covid restrictions closing winter markets and making sales before the Christmas holidays, the sector has since reported bird flu It was hit by the outbreak.

There are no problems with support for our product in France, she said. The French love foie gras has special support, she added.

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