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Bedford's laboratory as the first line of defense against coronavirus


Boris Johnson - Mologic
Image: Facebook / Boris Johnson

Bedford's laboratory, Mologic, has received € 1 million from the British government to develop a rapid diagnostic test for COVID-19 (coronavirus), as part of the $ 46 million prevention and government research to combat the disease.

Mologic, who is at Bedford Technology Park in Thurleigh, invented the home pregnancy test, the base of which also helped them develop a rapid test kit for Ebola.

Their experience in this area will now help them create a portable diagnostic device for coronaviruses.

The device means that health officials can test the virus at home or in the community, providing results in 10 minutes, without electricity or laboratory.

The rapid identification of people with the virus means that they can be quarantined and have faster access to the care they need.

"As we have seen with the COVID-19 epidemic, viruses can be transmitted quickly between populations, however, our knowledge to combat this threat has also grown exponentially," said the Professor Paul Davis, co-founder and scientific director of Mologic.

"For rapid preparedness and response to epidemics, we need to develop an easily modifiable platform based on a new pathogen, as we demonstrate through our accelerated programs for Ebola and COVID-19.

In addition to helping with the diagnosis of the virus, Mologic is also looking for a vaccine.

The Wellcome Trust funding announcement was made while Prime Minister Boris Johnson visited the laboratory today.

He was there to see the work done by scientists at Bedford as part of the UK's efforts to combat the spread of the virus.

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Image: Facebook / Boris Johnson

The Prime Minister said: "Investing in science in the UK will ultimately provide a vaccine – some would say a year, perhaps on this scale – but also to help us have test kits fast.

Keeping the British safe is my number one priority, and that's why I presented our four-part plan to contain, delay, mitigate, and search for coronaviruses.

UK cases increase

Meanwhile, the government says the number of coronavirus cases in the UK has now reached 163, a jump from 48 since Thursday (March 5).

An elderly man from Milton Keynes hospital is also said to have died of complications after contracting a coronavirus. He is said to have underlying health issues.

Tests are underway to determine if he had the virus. If it is discovered that he has had it, it will be the second death from coronavirus in the UK.

So far, 22,000 people in the UK have been tested.

How to prevent the spread of coronavirus

The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that there is a 99.6% survival rate from contracting a coronavirus. However, its infection rate is high and therefore more people are likely to contract it.

Those most at risk are the elderly and / or those with underlying health conditions.

The key message is that good personal hygiene is the best weapon against the virus.

  • Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly for at least 20 seconds with warm water and soap
  • If you have any, use a hand sanitizer
  • Cough and sneeze into a tissue or the crook of your arm. If you cough or sneeze in or near your hand, wash them immediately
  • Avoid touching your face or coming into contact with those who are not well
  • If you think you may have a coronavirus, do not visit your GP, call 111 for more advice

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