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A bridge graduate is expected to represent the U.S. team at the Para-Weightlifting World Cup


Next week, Blaze Foster takes part in one of the biggest events of his life when he represents the team of the United States at the Para-weightlifting World Cup in Bogota, Colombia.

How Foster, a 2008 Gateway graduate, got to the point of competing on an international stage is a case of hard work and being in the right place at the right time.

Foster, born with dwarfism, didn't even know there was an American powerlifting team three years ago, but that changed after being discovered in 2017 during a competition in Canada for athletes with dwarfism, where he ranked second.

A few weeks after the event, he received an email from an assistant coach of the American para-weightlifting team, who was a judge in Canada, encouraging him to continue the sport.

"I really didn't know anything about sport until then," said Foster.

He couldn't be happier to have heard of this opportunity.

After officially qualifying for the team in June 2018 at an event in Saint-Louis, Foster is now ready to take on some of the best powerlifting para-athletes in his March 18 competition .

"There are no weak people when it comes to Para Powerlifting, especially when you are entering the internationals," said Foster. “Most people do well above their body weight, especially in the lighter divisions. When you reach the heaviest divisions, it's not as proportionate, but most people lift twice to triple their body weight. "

Foster's best lift in competition is 255 pounds. He will attempt to lift 265 pounds in Colombia, double his body weight.

His ultimate goal is to lift 300 pounds. He only entered the bench press at the end of his twenties, so he became stronger and stronger.

"Getting to 300 would be a big goal to accomplish and it's certainly possible," said Foster. "I have seen people with dwarfism do it internationally and it is really encouraging."

Another goal for Foster is to become a Paralympian. The next Paralympic Games will take place this summer in Tokyo. Foster said he had an outside chance of succeeding. He must enter the world top 8 to qualify, and if he succeeds in raising 265 in Colombia, this will place him in 17th place in the world. If he doesn't qualify for 2020, he has an eye on the Paris 2024 Paralympics.

There are 13 athletes participating in the USA Para Powerlifting team. Most of Foster's teammates are in wheelchairs. Some were born with disabilities and others have been involved in accidents that have left them paralyzed.

Getting to know each of his teammates gave Foster a different perspective on life's challenges.

"I would love for someone in good health to be a fly on the wall when we are in our groups chatting," said Foster. "We all have our stories to tell and they are all stories with different perspectives and different life prospects. It is incredible. It really is. Especially from the point of view of those who do not were not born with a disability.

"I'll never be 6 feet tall, so I don't know what it's like to be of physical size, but some of these athletes were among the best in crossfit or very good athletes at high school and played college ball and now they have to live a completely different lifestyle.

"They shared how they adapted and the help they had to seek. You learn so much. It made me realize that dwarfism is not that bad. Don't Sounding selfish, but being in a wheelchair is completely different. It’s really telling. "

Foster thanked family and friends as well as American team coach Caitlyn Brown for motivating him on his trip. He trains at CBC Fitness in Monroeville with Andrew Johnston and gym owner Brandan Cain.

"(Cain) allows me to keep my overlay at the gym, so when I need a bench, I can do it," said Foster. "It is very different from a normal bench that able-bodied people use.

"It takes a village to get to this point and really pursue what I want to pursue, and I couldn't do it without all of them."

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