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Boris Johnson's government urged to abandon the Scotland-NI tunnel plan


UK government urged to ignore Scotland-Northern Ireland bridge or tunnel projects and focus on areas where money can be 'better spent' .

In a letter to his Westminster counterpart, Grant Shapps, Scottish Transport Secretary Michael Matheson called for investment in more localized transport infrastructure that could benefit both countries.

He also urged the Conservatives not to leave Holyrood and Stormont in the dark when it comes to plans that are covered by decentralized legislation.

His letter comes after Alister Jack suggested that a tunnel between the two countries would boost their economies while also strengthening the Union.

READ MORE: Alister Jack supports the Scotland-NI tunnel – and says Boris Johnson too

The comments were made despite the fact that Boris Johnson previously supported plans for a bridge.

In response, Matheson wrote: "We understand that we are now considering a tunnel between Northern Ireland and Scotland instead of a bridge.

"You will remember, after writing to yourself, that we both think this money would be better spent on making the vital investment in the infrastructure our communities need in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

"As we also explained to you previously, we believe that investments in infrastructure should be focused on projects that will improve lives, boost our economy and connectivity, support communities and work crucially to cope to the climate emergency. "

WATCH: Scottish secretary says "Boris Bridge" is an understatement

Critics have raised multiple concerns regarding the practicalities of building any kind of road link between Scotland and Northern Ireland, stressing that the idea is not just not realistic.

In addition to the significant costs, estimated at between £ 20 billion and £ 30 billion, there is a huge World War II munitions depot at the bottom of the Beaufort seawall in the Irish Sea.

Ulster's leader in Northern Ireland, Steve Aiken, also insisted that the tens of billions would be better spent on other more pressing concerns in the region.

Matheson's statement was echoed by his North Irish counterpart Nichola Mallon MLA, but added that the assembly should receive the full Barnett formula allowance to invest in infrastructure.

Describing how the funds could be better spent, Matheson called on the UK government to:

  • Accelerate the development of the HS2 rail link, which it believes should be extended to Glasgow and Edinburgh.
  • Electrify the main rail networks of the main English ports to "improve the viability of rail freight to and from Scotland".
  • And provide additional resources to improve transport infrastructure in the south west of Scotland.

In conclusion, the Secretary of Transport called on Shapps to ensure that "all future proposals which encroach on the devolved responsibilities of the Scottish government and the executive of Northern Ireland are fully discussed with us first , respecting the role of the Northern Ireland Assembly and the Scottish Parliament ".

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