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Boris Johnson's pregnant fiancee, Carrie Symonds, shows off her bump and engagement ring


Carrie Symonds made her first public appearance since the announcement of her pregnancy and engagement with Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Miss Symonds was photographed wearing a large engagement ring at an event at 10 Downing Street to mark International Women's Day.

The 31-year-old woman is expected to welcome her baby to the world this summer, but the exact date has not yet been announced.

It is also not known when the couple will marry, but it will be the first time in 250 years that a Prime Minister has married while in power.

The expectant mother, a former Conservative Party press secretary, announced on her private Instagram account that she was waiting, saying that she felt "incredibly blessed".

She wrote: Many of you already know this, but for my friends who still don't know, we got engaged at the end of last year … and we had a baby who hatched in early summer. Feel incredibly blessed.

It is the first time that Miss Symonds is photographed since the announcement of her engagement and her pregnancy
(Image: Andrew Parsons / 10 Downing Street)

The couple reunited in 2018, and Mr. Johnson, 55, is said to have volunteered during a trip to the Caribbean over Christmas.

Mr Johnson, who has at least five children, is said to have finalized his divorce from his second wife Marina Wheeler, the Daily Mail Reports.

In photos shared by the 10 Downing Street Twitter account, Miss Symonds' baby bump can be seen.

The images, shared on Saturday morning, were accompanied by the caption: "Tomorrow is #InternationalWomensDay. We celebrated earlier this week by hosting a reception at Downing Street. "

She is seen talking to the guests.

Images were shared on Twitter before International Women's Day
(Image: No 10 Downing Street)

Earlier this week, the Prime Minister struggled to say whether he would help his partner change diapers before eventually agreeing to help him.

He seemed deeply awkward as Philip Schofield and Holly Willoughby questioned him about the imminent arrival of This Morning on ITV.

The Mirror revealed that the Prime Minister's four oldest children, along with his future ex-wife Marina, are upset by the news of her engagement to Mrs. Symonds, whom they have not yet met.

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And when asked about his family's wider reaction, Mr. Johnson had nothing to say.

Philip asked him, "How did the rest of the family get the news?" and the urgent said, "Are they happy, did they say congratulations?"

But the Prime Minister just looked awkward.

In an interview that also discussed the coronavirus and the recent floods, Mr. Johnson appeared most troubled by questions about his last child.

When asked if he was excited by the pregnancy, he replied: "Very excited".

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Philip surveyed, "Is that it. How good you are at changing diapers – you have enough experience."

An awkward Mr Johnson stammered: "I'm not going to, er, er."

Phil said, "Aren't you going to go? Are you going to change the diapers?"

Hollie Willoughby encouraged: "Try it, try it – it's part of the whole experience."

Finally, he conceded: "I expect that to be the case.

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