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LA County residents were urged to take steps to combat mosquitoes – NBC Los Angeles

LA County residents were urged to take steps to combat mosquitoes – NBC Los Angeles


A campaign launched on Monday aimed at encouraging residents of Los Angeles County to make mosquito control a part of their daily lives.

In a public service announcement from the Greater Los Angeles County Vector Control District, a tired and overwhelmed mother suffering from life-sized mosquitoes worries about mosquitoes by throwing, throwing, and taking action. Reminds me that there is one less.

The campaign also includes a self-made mosquito source checklist posted in, General advice:

  • To eliminate water that collects in clogged gutters, gutters, discarded tires, buckets, tubs, or anything that holds water for more than a week.
  • Make sure the swimming pool, spa and pond are properly maintained.
  • Change the water in pet dishes, bird baths, and other small containers weekly.
  • Request mosquitofish from the local vector management area for placement in a decorative pond.
  • Wear insect repellents recommended by the Environmental Protection Agency outdoors where mosquitoes may be present.And
  • Report the neglected (green) pool to the local vector management area.

“We hope this campaign will help parents and caregivers reduce one mosquito worry by taking these precautions to protect their families,” said Mary, director of regional affairs in the district. Joycoburn says.

The launch of the campaign coincides with the first day of summer when mosquitoes become active and can infect debilitating diseases such as the West Nile virus.

“We are now living in a new world of mosquitoes,” said district spokesman Anais Medina Diaz. “On the one hand, there is the challenge of preventing the outbreak of West Nile virus, and on the other hand, there is Aedes aegypti, which continues to spread in the community. Residents need to participate to protect the community from mosquitoes.”

Since invading the area in 2001, the invading species Aedes aegypti has spread throughout Southland, and residents are seeking solutions to this aggressive daytime suffering.

Aedes aegypti requires only a spoonful of water to produce up to 100 mosquitoes, so it is designed to fight native Culex pipiens, which can carry the West Nile virus, so vector control challenges Will occur.

West Nile virus is endemic in Southland and there is no human vaccine. It infects humans by being bitten by infected mosquitoes and infects birds that carry the virus.


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