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Newsday Panel: Summer poses a risk of disease-carrying mites

Newsday Panel: Summer poses a risk of disease-carrying mites
Newsday Panel: Summer poses a risk of disease-carrying mites


It’s here in the summer and beckons outdoors.

But for many long islanders, the fear of COVID exposure is not the only thing that comes to their mind. It is a tick. Tick ​​and tick-borne disease.

So what should we know about mites, where they live, the diseases they carry, and how to prevent tick bites?

A panel of experts, hosted by Newsday Deputy Editor-in-Chief Joye Brown, addressed these issues on Thursday at the latest Newsday Live webinar entitled “Tick-borne Diseases: How to Stay Safe.”

Experts — Dr. Rohit Gautam, Primary Care Doctor, Catholic Health, Patchog. Dr. Luis Marcos, Director of the Infectious Diseases Fellowship Program in Stoneybrook Medicine. And Dr. Sunilsud, a professor at Hofstra University / Northwell Health’s School of Medicine Donald and Barbara Zacker and a Northwell Health pediatric infectious disease expert, said that there are three basic types of ticks found on Long Island. Said there are: deer ticks, ticks, star ticks and dog ticks.

Each carries a different illness and some can be fatal. Only deer ticks carry Lyme disease, the disease most feared by many long islanders.

According to Marcos, deer ticks have five specific illnesses, including babesiosis, anaplasmosis, and powassan virus, with about 70% having Lyme disease. Fortunately, only about 5% of these mites infect Lyme disease and can cause flu-like symptoms days to a month after being bitten.

Ticks that have emerged in the tri-state area in recent years and inuka bear mites found throughout the United States carry other serious illnesses.

Tick ​​bites can cause so-called meat allergies and, in rare cases, the deadly Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Inukakumadani can also infect Rocky Mountain spotted fever and tularemia, causing swelling of the lymph nodes and skin ulcers.

The most common exposed areas include grasslands, forests and parks.

“There are a lot of ticks out there,” Marcos said. “And it’s not just the East End of Long Island.”

North Shore, Nassau and Suffolk Parks, Brooklyn Queens Parks. “Even in Central Park,” he said. Everything can be a habitat for mites.

What can you do to protect yourself?

All three experts agreed that it would be helpful to stay on the marked hiking trail instead of wandering around the brush. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and experts advise on a variety of other measures. Take a shower immediately after outdoor exposure to see common areas where mites may be hiding (skin folds, groin, behind knees). According to Marcos, deer ticks generally do not go to your hairline. “They will be low,” he said.

However, dog ticks and ticks may be.

We recommend the recommended mite spray and formula. The best two are DEET-based repellents and permethrin.

If you find a tick, use tweezers near your head to remove it and gently pull it straight away to minimize leaving the mouth area on your skin.

All doctors recommended removing the removed ticks and sticking them on clear tape. That way, if you have any concerns, you can take them to your doctor for evaluation.

I’m worried about tick bites, but Sud and many experts said he was much more interested in mosquito-borne diseases such as encephalitis and West Nile fever.

“We take common sense measures and check for ticks. In most cases, you don’t have to worry about getting tick-borne disease,” Sood added.





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