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Bay Area Soccer: SJ Earthquakes shares routes with GM Fioranelli, NPSL and NSL report

Bay Area Soccer: SJ Earthquakes shares routes with GM Fioranelli, NPSL and NSL report
Bay Area Soccer: SJ Earthquakes shares routes with GM Fioranelli, NPSL and NSL report


San Jose Earthquakes Jesse Fioranelli was abandoned by the team. (John Todd/ISI Photos/Getty Images).

After California’s embarrassing Clasico loss over the weekend, San Jose Earthquakes fans have demanded a change. This change began with the departure of general manager Jesse Fioranelli from the team.

During Fioranelli’s four-and-a-half-year tenure in earthquake management, the team amassed 41 wins, 67 losses and 28 draws and held the playoffs in 2017 and 2020.

Again, Quakes will try to start rebuilding the underperforming franchise. Although the team is emerging from back-to-back losses at Orlando and LA Galaxy, Coix will keep coach Matias Almeida in charge of the team.

“I would like to thank Jesse for his commitment and dedication to our club,” said John Fisher, managing partner at Earthquakes. “We wish him and his family all the best moving forward. With the majority of the season remaining, our focus is on getting a place in the playoffs and we are confident that Matthias, our coaching staff and our players, who led us to the playoffs last year, can turn this around and make it happen .”

“Leaving is not easy because I have been very fortunate to work with such an amazing group of people whose priority has always been to put the club ahead,” Fioranelli said during the team announcement. “…Being able to watch the growth of our players, while working with Matthias on a unique path and football brand that go far beyond the tactics of the game, makes me hope to leave our club with a bright future ahead.”

Almeida said he enjoyed his tenure under Fioranelli, who brought the Argentine coach to the quakes after the disastrous period for his selection of former coach, Micael Stahre, in 2018.

“This is our job. Sometimes decisions are made, and you have to quit your job and start a new life,” Almeida said.

Earthquake star Chris Wondolofsky noted that he developed a good working environment with the former GM.

“I always put my heart on my sleeve and it made my feelings crystal clear,” Wondolowski said. “I appreciate that he has allowed me to open up in so many different ways and express those desires and interests. It has been a fairly open relationship in these terms. I appreciate all of his work and dedication.”

The Earthquakes will try to change their season on Saturday against Minnesota United (5pm PT).

“There is no doubt that we are going through a difficult moment,” said COEX midfielder Tommy Thompson. “But we’ve had these moments before as a team, so we focus on the positives and what we’ve done well.”

(Michael Koenig contributed to this tour)

In this season’s edition of the Causeway Clasico, previously undefeated FC Davis lost at home to the Sacramento Gold 3-1. Veteran Sacramento striker Matt Weisenfarth opened the scoring in the 14th minute, capitalizing on his teammate’s attempt with a smooth, power shot. Two minutes later, Sacramento State’s Titus Washington equalized for Davis after his teammate stole the ball in the middle of the field and Washington used his speed to cause a breakup that did not leave the golden goalkeeper a chance. Wiesenfarth completed a double in the 38th minute, pounce on a loose ball in the penalty area after his teammate’s header kicked in from a long throw in. Gold finished the scoring in the 54th minute, as Stephen Wright’s header rebounded from a corner kick into the far post. Davis continued the attack, but came out empty; A shot in the 60th minute was cleared from the goal line by the Sacramento defender and Justin Wright’s 65th minute shot went wide.

El Farolito scored a win at Sonoma County Sol FC Road as Gabriel Arias scored the game’s only goal in the 83rd minute. Three minutes later, Sonoma’s Shawn Verdot received his second yellow card and was sent off. Farolito goalkeeper Jonathan Barona got his first clean sheet of the season.

Napa Valley 1839 FC defeated Contra Costa 3-2 in a swing battle at Fan Appreciation Night on Mt. Diablo High School in Concord. Contra Costa’s Eliezer Paul Genderi opened the scoring in the 21st minute, but Dario Pavon of Napa responded in the 32nd minute to leave both clubs in the first half. Francisco Mendoza gave Nappa the lead in the 55th minute and Pavon completed his double with a goal in the 70th minute. Contra Costa’s Justin Wolff responded in the 81st minute, but he and his teammates were unable to equalize.

Academica SC beat the Auckland Stompers 5-1 at Turlock. Academica dominated the match in the first half with two goals through Andres Velasquez (the eighth minute) and Cody Gulbad (the 35th minute). They put the match away early in the second half, scoring goals by Bobby Sega (51st minute), Diego Hernandez (58th minute) and Gabriel Monteiro (73rd minute). Auckland’s Dean Hakeem scored a consolation goal in the 84th minute.

With three games remaining in this abridged season, the top four teams in the table have identical records of three wins and one loss: Academia, Davis, El Farolito and Sacramento. Clubs are back in action starting July 10, after taking a week off for the Fourth of July holiday.

(Michael Koenig contributed to this tour)

San Pablo FC moved to number one in the NSL Pacific standings by showing off its attacking power with a 7-0 win over NorCal Rush last Wednesday and a 6-1 win over Stockton TLJ FC on Saturday.

Second place Atletico East Bay tied 1-1 with Richmond Sol FC last Wednesday. Their scheduled match against Salinas Football Academy on Sunday has been postponed.

Vallejo Omega cemented their hold on third place with a 2-0 win over the Oakland Stompers on Friday night at Raimondi Park, thanks to Emmanuel Johnson’s first-half goal and Juan Perez’s second-half goal.

Richmond Soul took advantage of Auckland’s loss to move to fourth, and took four points last week from their 1-1 draw with Atletico on Wednesday and their 2-1 win at Norcal Rush on Saturday.


Douglas Zimmerman curates the beautiful blog, covering the “beautiful game of football” in the Bay Area and around the world. He recently released a picture book documenting the World Cup fans he started in 2002.

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