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Florida is experiencing an average of more than 3,380 new COVID-19 cases per day due to the proliferation of delta variants.

Florida is experiencing an average of more than 3,380 new COVID-19 cases per day due to the proliferation of delta variants.



Orlando, Florida. – Florida is seeing a surge in overall coronavirus cases and a higher positive rate as the country sees an increase in cases of the COVID-19 delta variant.

Predictive data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Indicates that delta variants now account for more than half Of all cases in the United States for the week ending July 3. First identified in India, It is considered highly contagious and is considered to be highly contagious. The country raised concerns COVID-19 restrictions cannot continue to be relaxed as quickly as planned.


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The state showed a positive rate of over 5% for the first time since May 10 last week, with Orange County This week’s positive rate is close to 6%. Mayor Jerry Demings of Orange County said the data show that “the numbers aren’t heading in the right direction.”


Orange County Health Authority The county has 40 confirmed cases of delta variantsThat said, Dr. Raul Pino of the Florida Department of Health says the numbers may be higher. He, like many other officials, is encouraging vaccination to reduce the spread of variants, saying that about 40% of the county’s population remains unvaccinated.

“We plan to pandemic brew unvaccinated people and then protect about 60% of the population,” he said in a weekly update.

The City of Orlando is working to provide nearby mobile vaccination sites that provide Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson vaccinations until August to provide vaccinations to people, especially young people. Prior to the school year.


Pfizer also announced Thursday that it would seek US approval for a third dose of the vaccine, saying that another injection within a year could boost immunity and help with the delta mutation. It was. According to the Associated Press.

With an increase in overall cases, the CDC is in the midst of continued promotion of vaccination. Asks the Federal Court of Appeals to withhold the judge’s decision It helped Florida fight for the cruise industry. Judges have determined that the CDC has exceeded the legal authority to impose restrictions on the cruise industry, but CDC lawyers say this “exacerbates the spread of COVID-19.”

[READ THE LAST COVID-19 REPORT: US vaccinations expected to fall short of Biden’s July 4 goal as Florida averages 2,280+ new cases per day ]



Florida Ministry of Health reported 23,697 Friday’s new case that occurred during the last week totaled the state as a whole 2,361,360 cases since the virus was first detected on March 1, 2020. It reports an average of 3,385 new infections per day.

Dead (number)

Florida reported 32 new virus-related deaths last week-Friday. The state reported a cumulative death toll of 38,157. But if we add 32 new deaths to the cumulative total of deaths from last week’s report 37,985, that number is 38,017. The state does not provide information on when these deaths occurred.

The state has stopped reporting the number of non-residents who died in Florida with a new weekly reporting method.


State medical administration With the removal of the current COVID-19 hospitalization database, the state no longer reports the number of patients hospitalized for the virus.


95,607 in the last daily report from March 2020 to early June People were hospitalized in Florida after complications from COVID-19.

Positive rate

DOH reported that the percentage of positive coronavirus tests was 7.8%. However, the number of people tested in the past week was not provided. Health officials say rates should remain between 5% and 10% to prove that the community holds the virus and controls the infection.

This is the first time the state’s positive rate has exceeded 5% for the first time since May 10.


Florida Health Department December 2020 Daily Report on COVID-19 Vaccine It is administered throughout the state. In the new weekly report, the state combines vaccination data with COVID-19 infection counts.


FDOH report 9,627,930 People are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. These individuals received a single Johnson & Johnson vaccination or completed a two-shot series.

Last week, 96,089 new people Received at least one dose Of the coronavirus vaccine.

Central Florida area

As of June 3, the state does not provide a county-by-county breakdown of deaths or hospitalizations. Florida DOH no longer provides county numbers for non-residents who tested positive, resulting in a significant reduction in total cases. There are over 1,000 in some counties.

For example, as of June 3, Orange County reported a total of 143,198 non-resident positive cases, while the new state reporting method totaled 141,941 cases in the county, or 1,257. There is a difference in positive cases.


Below is a breakdown of the Central Florida region, positive rates, and new vaccinations for new cases from July 2nd to July 8th, 2021.

county Total number of cases as of July 8 New cases after July 2nd Total number of vaccinated people Percentage of the vaccinated population of 12 or more
Breverd 44,399 693 298,197 55%
Flagler 7,689 88 61,115 58%
lake 31,795 434 187,963 57%
Marion 32,537 251 165,639 51%
Orange 146,477 1,897 731,817 59%
Osceola 47,372 578 205,439 61%
pork 307,507 687 73,144 50%
Seminole 36,985 653 241,666 57%
Samter 9,648 82 89,006 68%
Volusia 46,175 709 258,253 53%

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