The flu symptoms, COVID-19, are very similar.When in doubt to be tested
Not sure if you have allergies, colds, flu, COVID-19, or breakthrough infections? Doctors throughout Michigan agree: Take the test, even if you are completely vaccinated against the virus that causes the pandemic. You can be contagious.
“There’s no excuse. Check it out. It’s as easy as drinking coffee,” said Dr. Karen Kent Van Gorder, Chief Medical and Quality Officer at Lansing-based Sparrow Health System. “It is important to take responsibility for knowing that you are infected with COVID.”
Dr. Beswent, a physician at McLaren McLaren Hospital in Mount Clemens, said:
Symptoms of COVID-19 include fever and chills, cough, shortness of breath or dyspnea, malaise, muscle or body pain, headache, sore throat, stuffy nose or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, and taste or odor. Includes loss. Symptoms can be mild to severe and may appear 2 to 14 days after exposure.
According to doctors, the symptoms of the flu can be very similar.
Dr. Liam Sullivan, an infectious disease specialist at Spectrum Health, a Grand Rapids-based hospital system, said the test was “the only way to distinguish between influenza and COVID-19.”
“Some of the symptoms of influenza and COVID-19 are similar, so it can be difficult to tell the difference between them by symptoms alone, and tests may be needed to confirm the diagnosis.” Medical director Dr. Sorabdar added. Research on infection prevention, hospital epidemiology, and antibacterial stewardship at the Detroit Veterans Medical Center.
According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, both influenza and COVID-19 are infectious respiratory diseases, but they are caused by a variety of viruses. COVID-19 appears to spread more easily than influenza and causes more serious illness in some people. It can also take some time for people to show symptoms, and people can be transmitted longer.
Colds and breakthrough infections that occur in patients who have been vaccinated with the coronavirus but are still infected with the virus add to the difficulty of diagnosis.
Symptoms of punched infections include severe sinusitis, stuffy nose, runny nose, sore throat, and low-grade fever, according to Sullivan. Common cold symptoms include runny nose, sore throat, cough, and stuffy nose.
Dr. Diane George, a family doctor and primary care chief medical officer at Henry Ford Medical Group, said the patient wanted to think he had a cold when he actually had a mild case of COVID-19 and was blown away. Something she doesn’t recommend, stopping taking the test that said she might decide.
“Because it really knows, we can protect other people who may be at greater risk of COVID. We don’t want to spread it to people who may get serious illness,” George said. Said. “For yourself, it’s important to know what you’re dealing with in case your symptoms worsen.”
And it’s important to know, “because there are treatments that help prevent exacerbations and the need for hospitalization, such as injecting monoclonal antibodies.”
Second, there are allergies with symptoms such as runny nose, stuffy nose, itchy nose and eyes, red eyes and cough. According to Dar, allergies usually do not include fever, dyspnea, muscle aches, diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Allergies are also associated with triggers such as pollen, grass and pet dander.
So who should be tested for COVID-19? Dhar recommends the following:
- People with COVID-19 symptoms.
- Most of the people who have been in close contact with people with COVID-19 (total 15 minutes or more and 6 feet or less in 24 hours).
- The risk of COVID-19 is high due to the inability to physically distance to avoid exposure, such as travel, attending large social or mass gatherings, crowded indoor environments or poorly ventilated indoor environments. Unvaccinated people who participated in the activity.
- The person requested or referred will be tested by a healthcare provider or health department.
The CDC recently tested fully vaccinated people with known or known exposure to COVID-19 3-5 days after exposure for 14 days in a public indoor environment. Or it was recommended to wear the mask until it became negative. test results.
Dahl, who responded to questions from the free press by email, recommends that anyone with signs or symptoms of COVID-19 be tested, regardless of vaccination status or previous infection. I said there is.
Can a fully vaccinated patient who develops a breakthrough infection give the virus to someone else?
At a briefing on Tuesday, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, head of the CDC, said that some of the vaccinated people infected with the Delta subspecies, the predominant variant in the United States, said, “Infectious and viral. It has the potential to spread to people. “
She called the new science anxious and said the CDC felt it was important for people to understand that the virus could still infect others after vaccination. She said this is especially important if a person with a breakthrough infection is planning to visit someone with a weakened immune system.
People who have been vaccinated against a breakthrough infection from a delta variant have the same amount of virus in their system as those who were not vaccinated when they got sick, Warensky said. .. The CDC continues to study this issue “to understand the effects of pre-infection in these vaccinated people.”
“But unlike the alpha variant we had in May, we didn’t believe that we could get more infected if we were vaccinated, but unlike the delta variant, this could actually be possible. Okay, “it’s a rare breakthrough infection that can be even more infected,” she said.
But Internal CDC slide What the Washington Post has obtained suggests that breakthrough infections with delta mutants are not uncommon. As the slide shows, about 35,000 fully vaccinated people in the United States each week have a symptomatic coronavirus infection.
Nevertheless, they suggest that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is effective against severe illness and death from delta mutants. Dr. Ashish Jha, Dean of the Faculty of Public Health at Brown University, said in a series of tweets about the CDC that he was 80% to 90% effective against symptomatic infections and 90% to 95% effective against severe illness. It states. document. Since the Moderna vaccine uses similar mRNA technology, scientists say it can be assumed to work similarly for delta mutants.
Leaked documents show that vaccinated people are three times less likely to be infected with the delta variant and ten times less likely to die from it than unvaccinated people. However, vaccinated people are as contagious as unvaccinated people.
According to CDC documentation, delta variants are more infectious than Ebola, smallpox, and polio, and spread as easily as chickenpox. They urged public health officials to “acknowledge that the war has changed,” arguing that “universal masking is essential to reduce infections given higher infection rates and current vaccination rates.” do.
If you are vaccinated and you are suspected of being ill, your doctor agrees that you should be tested for the coronavirus.
And as the flu season approaches, doctors are advised to get a flu shot and if you haven’t already received the COVID-19 vaccine. And don’t give up what you learned during the pandemic. Wash your hands frequently and do not touch your hands or face at social distances. Wear a mask indoors, even if you have been vaccinated. In areas with high infection rates, if you or your family have weakened immunity, or if it makes you feel more comfortable.
According to the CDC, fully vaccinated people, especially if they or someone in their family are immunocompromised, at high risk of serious illness, or if someone in their family is not vaccinated. You may choose a mask regardless of the level of infection.
People at high risk of severe illness include the elderly, people with certain medical conditions such as diabetes and heart disease, or people who are overweight or obese.
The CDC also recommends that people with weakened immunity wear masks, keep social distances, and avoid crowds and poorly ventilated indoor spaces, regardless of vaccination status.
FreePress staff writer Kristen Jordan Shamus contributed to this article.
Contact Jennifer Dixon, Freepress Staff Writer: [email protected]
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