COVID-19 vaccination rates are widely distributed throughout the region
Ohio hospitals employ about 251,000 people, and on Tuesday the Ohio Hospital Association recommended that the organization adopt a policy of requiring workers to be vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine independently.
This does not mean that all hospitals will adopt vaccine requirements, and whether, how and when such policies will be implemented, depending on the regional factors recommended by the association. It will be decided.
The Dayton VA Medical Center is already requiring frontline workers to be vaccinated in the coming weeks for a Veterans Affairs mission.
Mike Abrams, president of the hospital group, said the COVID-19 Delta Variant is a game changer in the fight to overcome this pandemic.
“Low vaccination rates across Ohio and the country not only endanger unvaccinated individuals, including children under the age of 12 and individuals with weakened immunity, but are also more dangerous strains of the virus. Causes continuous mutations and poses a serious risk to the health of our community. “
He said hospital workers vaccinated with COVID-19 will help “ensure the long-term capacity of the medical system for pandemics and continuity of critical medical services.”
Immunization rates are uneven across states.
Nursing homes in Ohio reported that nearly 1% to almost 100% of their staff were vaccinated. Rural counties reported rates ranging from 54% to 32% of residents with at least one dose.
About one in four people in Ohio, who are eligible for Medicaid, are vaccinated, which is about half the population.
Dayton Daily News has previously said that members of Medicaid, Ohio, are more likely to be socially distant from masking during a pandemic, and that low vaccination rates are due to various access and information barriers. I reported.
CareSource and other insurers that manage Medicaid policies are offering $ 100 gift cards from the original $ 50 gift card, as well as other incentives to promote immunization. They also work with pharmacists to provide vaccine information and provide on-demand vaccinations.
Dr. Dale Block, Ohio’s Chief Medical Officer at CareSource, said:
Vaccinations given so far have helped slow the spread of delta variants. Many local clinics were only possible through volunteers who were found to help local residents.
At the COVID-19 pandemic, 524 Green County volunteers provided more than 13,412 hours of service. We support everything from vaccines to contact tracing and testing. Health Department epidemiologist Don Branen said at a recent awards event that he doesn’t think he was able to pull off what the Department of Health did without volunteers.
Retired nurse Connie Pepard said he couldn’t help caring for the people in the COVID-19 unit and wanted to prevent people from getting infected with COVID-19 in the first place.
“The people who came were very grateful to be there,” Pepard said.
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