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A California woman thought she had a Covid-19.She actually had typhus from a mouse

A California woman thought she had a Covid-19.She actually had typhus from a mouse


A mouse in a pipe.

NS A mouse in a pipe.
Photo: AFP (((Getty Images).

The California neighborhood seems to have had a series of encounters with now-Rare illness typhus.At least two people, according to local media reports In Monrovia, California, after dealing with dead rats, they recently caught typhus, probably through infected fleas they were carrying. Thankfully, typhus can be easily treated with antibiotics.

Typhus is actually the name given to three different bacterial diseases, all spread through different insects or arachnids. Due to better hygiene, pest control, and the availability of antibiotics, all types of typhus have become rare in the United States. One form, called typhus (spread by body lice), routinely caused large-scale outbreaks of illness and death during the war and during other human misery. However, the most common form that still occurs occasionally here is flea-borne typhus caused by bacteria. Rickettsia typhi. Flea is transmitted by chewing on an infected host, but humans are infected by chewing contaminated flea feces or placing flea debris in openings such as the eyes and mouth.

Earlier this week, local outlet KTLA-TV channel 5 report Margaret Holtzmann, who lives in Monrovia, was recently infected with typhus. Holtzmann had a fever, headache, and malaise, so she suspected she was infected with covid-19. However, her test returned negative and she continued to feel sick for the next few weeks. Finally, she returned to the doctor.The doctor asked if she had recently come into contact with wildlife, which reminded her of what she came across and disposal Dead mouse.

After being diagnosed with typhus, Holtzmann told her story on the Next Door app, a social media platform centered around the local neighborhood, that she wasn’t the only one in her area to have similar problems. I knew.

“2 blocks or more, [a neighbor] Her grandfather says he got it around the same time I did [it was] And the same thing: disposing of dead mice on their property, “Holtzmann told KTLA-TV.

Gizmodo contacted the Los Angeles County Public Health Service, which oversees Monrovia, to see if these incidents were drawing their attention. However, typhus is not a nationally reported disease in the United States. That is, doctors and health departments are not obliged to document or track all suspicious cases.

But at first glance, it’s not uncommon to see flea-borne typhus in California.The disease is mainly confined to the tropics, but in Los Angeles Small outbreak At least 20 in 2018 Residents contracting for the year are increasing from regular contracts Up to 5 Case report In this area every year.

Flea-borne typhus is usually mild and often disappears spontaneously. Even without antibiotic treatment. However, prompt treatment can help speed recovery and prevent rare complications such as organ damage. Holtzmann hopes that her story will serve as a warning story away from dead animals.

“If you find something in the yard, don’t call someone who can safely dispose of it and try to do it yourself,” Holtzmann told KTLA-TV.





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