US Coronavirus: If all of us aren’t vaccinated, the next Covid-19 variant is just around the corner, experts say.

“If we aren’t all vaccinated, the next variant is just around the corner,” said Admiral Brett Giroir, a former Coronavirus inspector at Pres. Trump told CNN’s Chris Cuomo.
“I want Americans to understand that to defeat this virus, we need to boost everyone’s immunity, and that’s exactly what it is,” he added.
Dr. Tom Frieden, a former director of the CDC, said Wednesday that a surge is likely to occur across the United States in the coming weeks, not just in areas with low immunization rates. However, in areas with high vaccination rates, outbreaks are not so explosive, Frieden added.
Michael Osterholm, director of the University of Minnesota Infectious Diseases Research Policy Center, told CNN’s Pamela Brown on Wednesday.
“This virus is very infectious. If you decide to run the game clock, don’t try. The virus will find you and eventually infect you,” Osterholm said. rice field.
Fortunately, the available vaccines appear to provide strong protection against delta mutants, especially with respect to serious illness and death, Frieden said.
“We are already at war with this virus, which has killed more than 610,000 Americans. We now have tools with vaccines and masks to stop further death, suffering and destruction. “CNN Medical Analyst Lina Wen said Wednesday.
“We have disappointed our children,” says the FDA Vaccine Adviser.
Dr. Paul Offit, a Vaccine Advisor at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, said low Covid-19 vaccination rates in the United States endanger children, many of whom are unable to be vaccinated. ..
“I think we disappointed the kids,” Ofit told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer.
Currently, there are no licensed vaccines for children under the age of 12 in the United States, so infants rely on vaccinations from those around them to protect them, Offit said. He added that many children over the age of 12 have not yet been vaccinated.
Ofit said many children are returning to school during times when the virus is more susceptible and delta mutants are endemic.
“We need to increase immunization rates to protect these children,” said Ofit.
Emphasizing that, the president of Our Lady of Lake Children’s Hospital in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, told CNN that his staff were watching the baby in the sick neonatal intensive care unit at Covid-19.
Dr. Trey Dunbar said CNN’s children have been victims of a pandemic with a simple solution of adult vaccination.
“Covid is a preventable disease,” he said. “As a pediatrician, it’s hard to see a child with a preventable illness. The child isn’t like an adult. There is no option to vaccinate.
“Yes, it makes a big difference when adults make decisions for their children and adults may be able to prevent the illnesses found in their children,” Dunbar said.
Only 6 ICU beds are available in a state
Even after the development and release of the Covid-19 vaccine, which so many medical professionals wanted, the increase in cases led to overwhelming hospitals.
Arkansas health officials reported Wednesday that “the number of ICU beds available is record low.” According to Danyelle McNeill, a spokesman for the Arkansas State Health Department, the state had only 25 ICU beds.
According to the Arkansas Covid-19 dashboard, there were a total of 1,232 Covid-19 positive hospitalizations. The total number of Covid-19-positive hospitalizations in the ICU is 466, and the total number of Covid-19-positive hospitalizations in the ventilator is 260.
As of Wednesday morning, only six open ICU beds were available throughout Mississippi, said Dr. Jonathan Wilson, Chief Administrative Officer and Covid-19 Incident Manager, from the leader of the University of Mississippi Medical Center. I mentioned in the briefing.
“A very simple number, 6. The number of ICU beds that were open in Mississippi this morning. 6. Therefore, not only here at Metro Jackson’s medical center, but the situation is dire. The whole state. Neighborhood. The state is in a similar situation. “
“We are doing our best to distribute patients to ensure medical care that is known to be provided from a state perspective, but we are not at the forefront of this. No, we’re at the top of this wave and it’s bad, but it’s probably going to get a little worse, “Wilson added.
CNN’s Lauren Mascarenhas, Naomi Thomas, Jeff Simon, Nadia Romero and Raja Razek contributed to this report.
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