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COVID-19 Delta Variant Detected in Delta County | News

COVID-19 Delta Variant Detected in Delta County | News


Public Health Delta & Menominee County (PHDM) has been informed that the positive COVID-19 specimen submitted by Delta County has been confirmed to be caused by the Delta variant.

Delta variants have also been identified in Dickinson, Marquette, Houghton, and Gogebic County on the Upper Peninsula. Available sequencing data show that the highly contagious delta mutant is the major COVID-19 strain prevalent in Michigan.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated its mask wearing recommendations on July 27. To maximize protection from delta variants and prevent COVID-19 from spreading to others, the CDC recommends that everyone, including fully vaccinated individuals, wear a mask. Indoors in public, if in a real or high transmission area. In addition, the CDC recommends indoor face masks for all teachers, staff, students, and school visitors from kindergarten to high school, regardless of vaccination status. This shows that children need to layer in the fall and return to full-time face-to-face learning. Preventive strategies. Indoor masking in all schools, from kindergarten to high school, aims to reduce COVID-19 infection, prevent student and employee absenteeism due to illness and quarantine, and promote a healthy face-to-face learning environment.

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) and PHDM fully support and approve the new CDC recommendations.

Delta County is currently classified as a substantial community infection level, with a case rate of 58.69 per 100,000 and a positive test rate of 6.29%. Menominee County is also classified as a substantive community level of infection, with a case rate of 61.46 per 100,000 and a positive test rate of 6.8%. The neighboring Upper Peninsula counties also meet substantive standards. PHDM recently identified outbreaks related to social gatherings, religious services, collective living facilities, and workplaces.

Public Health, Delta and Menominee County recommend that all fully vaccinated or unvaccinated individuals wear face masks while indoors in public. Given changing local infections, the health sector also encourages schools and businesses to consider the latest public health recommendations when deciding on risk mitigation strategies for employees and clients in the building. doing.

To ensure a healthy environment, you need to follow a layered preventive strategy. This provides the best opportunity for all residents of Delta and Menominee County to stay healthy and physically present in their work or classroom environment. Such strategies should include the following risk mitigation measures:

• Vaccine with COVID-19 if qualified

• Wear a face mask indoors

• Wash your hands frequently

• Keep 6 feet away from others

• Strengthen the ventilation system in the building

• Stay home when you’re sick and get a COVID-19 test

• If a COVID-19 test is positive, stick to quarantine and quarantine if close contact is suspected.

“The delta variant of COVID-19 is highly contagious and increases the risk of disease and outbreaks, so a layered protection strategy is again needed to stop the spread of the virus. Immunization , Will continue to be the best tool to prevent COVID-19 infections, serious illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths, “said health doctor Mike Snyder.

Public Health, Delta & Menominee Countys, offers free COVID-19 vaccines to residents over the age of 12 at both the Delta County and Menominee County offices. In Delta County, call 906-786-4111 to schedule a shot. In Menominee County, call 906-863-4451.

PHDM offers Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson branded vaccines.

“We understand the frustration caused by the length of the pandemic and the changing recommendations. As we learn more about the virus and new variants, we need to change the recommendations accordingly. COVID-19 Vaccine We know that is safe, effective and the best defense against the virus. We encourage local leaders, businesses and schools to join in and encourage all residents to vaccinate. “I will,” said Snyder.





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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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