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Some Americans are tinkering with vaccine records to get an unauthorized third shot

Some Americans are tinkering with vaccine records to get an unauthorized third shot


Some Americans are eager to get booster shots of the COVID-19 vaccine, confusing vaccine records and beginning to claim that they are eligible for the shot.

A 26-year-old graduate student with liver disease and asthma, Said The Associated Press interviewed them when she went to the clinic to get a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, but lied and told them that it was her first.

Students told AP that they were following the latest COVID-19 study and a few scientists recommending booster shots, and insisted they would not wait to get booster shots.

Wire Services also analyzed a database operated by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and recorded more than 900 reports of people who received booster shots. For this, the man took a third shot, but he was still taking it, but when the pharmacy contacted the insurance, he said he had already taken it twice.

Despite the fact that booster shots have not yet been approved by the United States, health officials have begun to signal that the tide may change.

President BidenJoe BidenFlorida Democratic Chair accuses DeSantis of state high COVID-19 case Larry David, late-night talk host cut from Obama’s birthday guest list House Democrats elects Riggleman as committee adviser on January 6 moreChief Medical Advisor, Anthony FauciAnthony FauciFDA is targeting COVID-19 booster strategy in early September Hill Morning Report-Present by Facebook-Infrastructure Bill Ready for Senate Weekend Voting Overnight Health Care: Moderna says boosters are likely to be needed before winter | Fauci: Booster shots for the “very high priority” of immunodeficiency | increase more, Said at the White House press conference On Thursday, the government aims to provide booster shots to immunocompromised individuals “as soon as possible.”

“It is very important that we move to give those individuals a booster. It is a very high priority for the individuals involved with us, so we are currently working on it and as much as possible. We plan to implement it quickly, “Fauci said during the briefing.

The Fauci did not specify when the CDC and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) would recommend booster shots for immunocompromised people, but some media outlets have reported that the FDA has a national COVID-19 booster. Reported that they are considering.strategy Available By the beginning of next month. NSt provides an overview of when a group of vaccinated Americans should get a booster.

Israel has already given booster shots to seniors, including the president.

Nevertheless, the World Health Organization (WHO) earlier this week I was asked The COVID-19 booster shot is a moratorium for wealthy countries that will be extended until at least the end of September, and the WHO Director General has said that residents of low-income countries are still waiting for their first dose. I’m pointing out.

“I understand all government concerns about protecting the population from Delta variants,” said WHO Executive Secretary Tedros Adhanom Gebreyes. “But we cannot and should not accept countries that are already using most of the world’s global supply of vaccines, while the world’s most vulnerable people remain unprotected.”





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