Another Covid surge is here.This inpatient is young and ill
New Hanover County-Covid-19 could once again overwhelm the New Hanover Community Medical Center with this latest virus surge, stimulated by delta variants and exacerbated by a full-scale resumption and the release of Maskmandate. A young patient in his 40s is succumbing to Covid after New Hanover County has died for several weeks.
At a press conference Thursday, NHRMC Chief Clinical Officer Dr. Westpole reported a “dramatic increase” in Covid hospitalization in both the emergency room and regular patients over the past four to five weeks. did.
“We are also seeing a more sick population coming in with more serious illnesses,” Paul said.
Related: FDA Approves Covid Booster for Immunodeficient Individuals
New Hanover County aggregated more than 1,000 active Covid-19 cases on Thursday. About half of them were reported within the last week.
“We know that this is the result of our delta variant and is incredibly more contagious than we saw earlier,” Paul said. “It’s certainly spreading, and we’re seeing it spread so fast because we’ve reduced some obligations to mask and resume with the congregation. Our biggest Even in the early stages of the numbers, we did not see this level of increase. “
NHRMC is treating younger people than before. During the December-January surge, the average NHRMC Covid patient was in their 60s. Currently, the average patient is in his 40s.
“We saw severe illness mainly over the age of 65, and I can’t say that now,” Paul said. “We are in our 40s and 30s and have a serious illness.”
The Novant Health Brunswick Medical Center has the lowest average age of 48 since the outbreak of the pandemic. Overall, the average age of all Novant systems has decreased from 61 to 44.
According to state-wide statistics, people over the age of 65 were more enthusiastic about vaccination than others.
Approximately 57% (133,192) of New Hanover County residents receive at least one Covid-19 vaccine. About 53% (124,281 inhabitants) are fully vaccinated. After “slow growth for weeks,” New Hanover County reports a slight increase in vaccine demand as Covid-19 revives and first inoculates 1,900 people in the past week.
Nonetheless, New Hanover County Health and Welfare Director Donna Faco insisted in this week’s news release:
According to Novant, the majority of hospitalized patients, more than 90%, have not been vaccinated and have been ill more than ever during this pandemic. A few people suffer from breakthrough infections, but those individuals tend to experience less serious illnesses and are not admitted to the emergency room, Paul explained. .. The small number of vaccinated patients who are eventually admitted to the hospital are usually elderly and chronically ill.
NHRMC had no deaths from Covid for almost eight weeks in July. Last week, five deaths were reported among unvaccinated people. Dr. Paul explained that it is difficult to treat Covid patients because there is no “magic bullet” other than prescribing proven steroids.
Currently, an “incredibly infectious” delta variant is in the midst of a crowd in the emergency department waiting room. The growing need for medical care is a combination of both Covid-19 and “disease agility”-“perfect storm”, Paul called it.
“Many of our communities have postponed a lot of medical care because of a pandemic,” he explained.
Novant is thinking about what happens when the hospital bed is full.According to North Carolina Health and Welfare Department Covid-19 Dashboard804 beds are used, covering seven counties in southeastern North Carolina. 224 beds are empty and 364 beds are unreported or unstaffed. Similarly, of the 113 ventilators available, 61 are used.
Novant isn’t as worried about supply as it was during the pandemic, but if Covid continues the current trend, staffing and space will definitely be an issue. Meanwhile, NHRMC is begging the community to get their shots before the hospital reaches its threshold.
Paul advised people to make individual choices Resume masking And the social distance to help slow the spread again. He recognized that more political debate would come about the mission of the government.When the school resumes, the district-etc. Shemale County School When Brunswick County School -Faced with a politically controversial decision to put on a face cover and send students to school.
Children’s hospitals in other states where schools have already reopened are reporting an increase in pediatric patients. NHRMC is currently accepting children. Paul said it includes people under the age of 11 who are not eligible for the vaccine.
“We were caring for our patients and didn’t want to get involved in political conflicts,” Paul said. “But it’s time for us to witness this resurrection, people hesitate about vaccines, and know what we know. It’s time to talk about what we’re seeing. . “
Novant Health and New Hanover County are the first and fifth largest employers in the county.I have both Implement vaccine policy For their employees. County employees can get weekly tests instead of getting the vaccine.
“We are at another important point in the pandemic that requires action, so that the actions taken by the county serve as a positive and positive example of how others in our community take the same steps. I hope, “said David Howard, director of the county’s public health department. With the county release.
Since the first Covid-19 case in March 2020, almost 17 months ago, more than 21,200 people in New Hanover County have been tested positive for the virus. Of these, 185 died.
Currently, several Covid-19 clinics offer carry-on reservations to receive free vaccines.
Health and Welfare Services Health Clinic (1650 Greenfield Street)
– Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 8 am-4:30pm
– Tuesday, 8 am-6pm
Independence Small (3500 Oleander Drive)
– Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Shots and Beer: Vaccine Happy Hour at Hi-Wire Brewing (1020 Princess Street)
– Friday, August 20th, 6pm-8pm
Send tips and comments to [email protected]
Port City Daily offers all Covid-19 coverage for free. But we value the time and effort that journalists spend on their work.If you agree, please consider monthly subscription Access all detailed reports on PCD and sign up for free Morning newsletter..
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