UM studies question COVID-19 convalescent plasma treatment
Researchers at the University of Michigan concluded that the COVID-19 disease progressed as rapidly in patients receiving convalescent plasma in the emergency room as in patients receiving placebo. Study published on Wednesday At the New England Journal of Medicine.
Plasma donated by people previously infected with COVID-19 contains antibodies that researchers wanted to fight the virus in people newly infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
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Researchers in Michigan medicine helped design a trial to treat patients with ER using convalescent plasma. Nationally, 48 hospitals participated, including Spectrum Health Hospital in Western Michigan, Detroit Receiving Hospital and Beaumont Hospital in Metro Detroit.
Dr. Frederick Corey, lead author of the study and associate professor of emergency medicine at the University of Michigan Health System, said the study was the only way to tell if convalescent plasma was effective. .. This study was funded by the National Institutes of Health.
“Our study investigated patients with mild COVID-19 infections and randomized them to receive either convalescent plasma or placebo,” Corey said. “I wanted to see if convalescent plasma could prevent the disease from progressing to more serious illnesses.
“We were treating people early in the illness, before they got sick and before they needed oxygenation.”
Between August 2020 and February 2021, 257 of the 511 patients were enrolled in the convalescent plasma group and 254 were enrolled in the placebo group, according to the NEJM report.
All patients came to the emergency department within 7 days of the onset of symptoms and were stable enough to manage outpatients. Patients were over 50 years of age or had one or more risk factors for disease progression.
Fifteen days after receiving either treatment or placebo, researchers found that 77 patients who received plasma had advanced COVID-19 disease. In contrast, 81 patients in the placebo group accounted for approximately 31.9%.
“Our study does not necessarily mean that convalescent plasma does not work at all, it just did not work in this setting,” Corey said. “We gave them it within seven days of illness.
“I still don’t know if it makes a difference, if I treated them sooner, and if I gave more convalescent plasma, and if it makes a difference. I still don’t know. Some unknowns. “
Most hospitals have already stopped using convalescent plasma as a treatment for COVID-19, Corey said. The Federal Food and Drug Administration initially granted urgent permission to use it to treat patients with COVID-19 who were ill enough to be admitted to the hospital. However, the FDA has withdrawn permission because a previous study found that this treatment was ineffective in treating inpatients.
According to Corey, convalescent plasma is different from the monoclonal antibody therapies that are still used in hospitals and clinical trials.
Convalescent plasma contains multiple types of antibodies that are produced by the body, Corey said. Monoclonal antibodies are produced in the laboratory and are identical to each other. However, they are present in much higher concentrations in monoclonal antibody therapy than the antibodies contained in convalescent plasma.
“I feel a little sick,” Corey said of the results of a convalescent plasma study of Michigan Medicine. “The great thing about this study is that people (who donated plasma) felt like they were helping people.
“I think this is an important lesson for all of us. Good sound, not everything that looks right is right, and we must always study it.”
Twitter: @kbouffardDN
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