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County enters “high” COVID infection rate | News, sports, work

County enters “high” COVID infection rate | News, sports, work


Map of New York State from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for COVID Community Infections from August 15 to August 21.

I’m looking at Chautauqua County now “high” Infection of COVID-19 in other equally important communities remains low in indicators such as hospitalization and bed use in the intensive care unit for critically ill patients.

This is the view of county administrator PJ Wendell after the level of community infection at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention rose over the weekend. “Substantial” NS “high.”

The CDC strongly recommends wearing a face mask indoors, whether or not you are vaccinated. “Substantial” When “high” Send COVID-19.As of Monday, all counties are watching except two counties in New York State “Substantial” Also “high” Virus transmission.

Areas with at least 50 new cases of COVID-19 per 100,000 inhabitants in 7 days are considered “Substantial” Disseminate; consider areas with at least 100 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in 7 days “high” Spread.

“If we are at a high rate, one of the things we have to see is that it is combined with other factors.” Wendell described the CDC level of community infections, hospitalization rates, and the number of ICU beds in use. “We have a high infection rate, but we haven’t seen these other indicators move in the other direction.”

On Monday, the County Health Department reported 91 new cases of COVID-19 from information collected from Friday to Sunday. The agency also reported new virus-related deaths.

Since August 1, 365 new cases of COVID-19 have been reported in the county. According to the Ministry of Health, 62% of new cases this month are from unvaccinated cases. 4% are partially vaccinated. 16% are fully vaccinated. 17% whose vaccination status is unknown.

Most of the cases recorded over the weekend came from the Jamestown zip code, with 36 cases. Nine were reported in Dunkirk and Forest Building, four in Fredonia and seven in Lakewood, respectively. Some municipalities have also reported a small number of new cases.

Currently, there are 156 active virus cases in the county, 7 viruses in the hospital, 323 in quarantine, and a 7-day positive rate of 5.2%.

To date, there have been a total of 9,790 confirmed cases, 9,393 recovery, and 160 virus-related deaths.

Regarding the fatalities, four were involved between the ages of 40 and 49. 8 between 50 and 59; 16 60-69; 35 70-79; 59 80-89; and 38 over 90 years old.

COVID-19 restrictions were lifted in mid-June after 70% of New York adults were vaccinated with the first vaccine. Specific guidelines such as social gathering limits, capacity limits, social distances, cleaning and disinfection, health checks, contact information for tracking are for retail, food services, offices, gyms, fitness centers, entertainment and families. It has become an option for entertainment, hairdressers and hairdressers. Shops and personal care services.

Relaxation of restrictions did not mean that the virus was no longer a threat, Wendell said on Monday. “We never said we were going to stop or eradicate COVID.” He said.

Regarding face masks, which county executives said have been frequently asked recently, he said it should be up to each individual to make decisions.

“I didn’t tell anyone to stop wearing the mask once the mandate was lifted.” Wendell added later, “If you feel unsafe and want to wear a mask in public, you are free to wear it.”

But county officials said it wasn’t time to re-mandatory people to wear face masks in public. He said the entire process, especially the deployment of vaccines, was highly politicized by the federal government.

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