Mosquitoes spray on Ada County set Thursday night
Ada County will stop aerial spraying of insect repellent sprays in parts of North Meridian, Eagle, Star and Kuna.
Boise, Idaho — Ada County Mosquito Extermination Area It will be sprayed Thursday night to kill mosquitoes that may be transmitting the West Nile virus in some cities in Ada County.
The spray was originally scheduled for Thursday, August 19th, but was postponed due to some false information posted on social media.
After two postponements, the Ada County Commissioner said he met the mayor of the sprayed city and said spraying was resumed.
From 8:30 pm, Ada County mosquito control will stop aerial spraying of insect repellent sprays on parts of the Northern Meridian, Eagle, Star, and Kuna.
Insecticides are used in very small amounts and are said to kill mosquitoes when in contact. It should also quickly dissipate from the landed surface.
It is prescribed not to hurt other animals, plants, or even bees. Because they are all urticaria by that time.
Mosquitoes abatement crew must fly in twin-engine aircraft until midnight.
The goal is to kill a rapidly growing population of West Nile virus-borne mosquitoes in Ada County. The virus can be bitten by mosquitoes and infect humans, causing serious symptoms in some cases.
The product Dibrom Concentrate is applied at altitudes from 300 feet to 38,400 acres at a rate of 0.6 ounces per acre. It is regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency and has been specially developed and rigorously tested for use in populated areas.
This product is very effective in controlling mosquitoes, does not harm humans or pets, and quickly dissipates. The application is made in the evening, so it does not harm any beneficial pollen breeders. If you have a vegetable garden, we recommend rinsing your produce as usual.
Please click this link View a map of where aerial spraying is planned.
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