Family Shares Mosquito Warnings After Chandler’s Dad Dies West Nile Virus | Arizona News
Chandler, Arizona (3TV / CBS 5)- The rainy season monsoon has created a perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes that carry the West Nile virus. A Chandler man died just weeks after being bitten by a virus-infected mosquito.
John Warren was not the one sitting around the house. If he hadn’t walked his dog, he would have been fishing. He just spent his birthday on top golf.
“If you talk to him, you won’t know he was 70. He’s an active man,” said grandson Skiter Alvies. Warren raised AlvÃss and his four brothers as if they were fathers. What surprised the family most about the West Nile virus was the rapid transition of Warren from very healthy to unresponsive.
AlvÃss’ beloved dad started complaining of a headache on August 20th, but it didn’t go away. In the end, he became very distressed and terribly confused, and they took him to the emergency room.
“It’s very difficult for my dad to see itself in the hospital bed, but he never knew who I was,” said Lisa, Warren’s daughter and AlvÃss’ mother. Gallardo said.
According to Logan, the business recovered last month and a half, and now there are several visits a day.
Doctors have discovered that meningitis, encephalitis (swelling of the brain), and stroke are all caused by the West Nile virus. The health-conscious grandpa who had already survived COVID-19 did not improve after being bitten by a mosquito. “You’ve heard about it, but you’ve never heard of how dangerous it is,” Gardo said.
In Maricopa County, more than 50 cases of West Nile fever have occurred this year, compared to a total of 3 cases in 2020. Warren died of the virus on September 6th. The county had already reported two deaths from West Nile fever on September 3 (Updated data will be posted every Friday). The family is planning a monument to Warren, so we want others to be aware of it during the mosquito season.
“It’s real, it’s happening, and it’s affecting people’s lives,” Albiz said. “Who would believe it? Who would think that a mosquito bite would take everything away?” “If he had a chance to know this, he would have used an insect repellent spray. Maybe. I might have been a little more cautious in the garden, “Gard said.
Gary Bushco was diagnosed with West Nile meningitis earlier this month and is fighting the virus without health insurance.
Public health contacted Warren’s wife for information on cases of West Nile fever.County also has Mosquitoes are scheduled to become cloudy Neighborhood (near the roads of Pecos and Cooper).
Copyright 2021 KPHO / KTVK (KPHO Broadcasting Corporation) All copyrights are owned.
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