SC epidemiologist tackles vaccine controversy, COVID myth
![SC epidemiologist tackles vaccine controversy, COVID myth SC epidemiologist tackles vaccine controversy, COVID myth](
Columbia, South Carolina (WCSC)-People who have previously been infected with COVID-19 are not affected by the reinfection, the state’s assistant state epidemiologist said Wednesday.
State epidemiologist Dr. Jane Kelly led the weekly COVID-19 briefing of the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Management.
She said hesitation has many aspects.
“Some people have heard false rumors that vaccines can affect childbirth. They don’t,” she said. “There is a study of more than 35,000 women vaccinated just before or during pregnancy, there is no increase in miscarriage and there are no signs that the vaccine will give birth. But the rumor is still there, it is. I’m still worried about some people. “
She said she was so hesitant to get the vaccine because others don’t trust the vaccine but feel it is not a priority for them.
“People who are young and healthy and feel that they will not get sick if they get infected with COVID-19. It is true that young healthy people are less likely to get serious illness,” Kelly said. Said. “But I don’t think they’re thinking about the rest of the community they’re touching. If they get infected with COVID-19, sensitive children under the age of 12 who can’t be vaccinated, or vaccinated. It can unintentionally infect elderly people who did not and adults with immunodeficiency. They did not have a very strong immune response. “
She said she knew that some people were already infected with COVID and felt they didn’t need to be vaccinated.
“It’s not true that being infected with COVID, or COVID-19, means being completely immune and unable to be infected again,” she said. “Sure, previous infections provide some protection. For example, people who have been infected with COVID within the last 90 days rarely get re-infected. But 90 days later, when their immunity weakens. I don’t know if I’ll start. “
She also said she knew there were benefits to getting vaccinated.
“Even if you had COVID-19 before, vaccination after your previous infection can reduce your risk of reinfection by more than half,” she said. “Other reasons for hesitation in COVID vaccines are widespread. Many people are suspicious of any type of vaccine and there are always some anti-vaccines. Those who declare vaccine repellent. I think the number of people is declining, so slowly but surely, the number of people who are willing to vaccinate is increasing. “
DHEC continues to monitor information about Pfizer’s announcement that Pfizer’s Covid vaccine is safe and effective for children ages 5-11. Kelly states that this information is “promising” and that DHEC “expects” that the use of the vaccine will be approved by the end of October. Early November.
Kelly says that breakthrough infections among fully vaccinated people remain “rare” and breakthrough cases account for only 0.4% of fully vaccinated people in South Carolina. say.
“The COVID-19 vaccine has some of the highest efficacy rates we’ve ever seen and saves lives every day. The vaccine helps us end this pandemic. I can and will help, “she said.
Kelly also addressed the federal shortage of monoclonal antibody therapy options that are expected to affect the supply of treatment in South Carolina.
She said DHEC is in constant contact with federal authorities on its treatment options and other options.
“It’s true that the current supply of monoclonal antibodies is less than the current demand,” she said, “concerned.”
She said they were cautiously optimistic that there would be an increase in supply in the future.
DHEC Encourages Influenza Vaccination Prior to Influenza Season
The briefing follows DHEC’s announcement that it encourages people to be vaccinated against the flu by being vaccinated against the flu each year. Many pharmacies, pediatricians and vaccine providers already offer influenza vaccinations.
“As the COVID-19 crisis continues, we need to keep ourselves as healthy as possible. Influenza vaccination is one of the important steps we can take,” said a state epidemiologist. Said Dr. Lindabel. “Please help protect the state’s overweight hospitals by staying healthy and being vaccinated against the flu each year.”
According to DHEC, the tetravalent flu vaccine available as of this year protects against the four most common and different flu viruses that are expected to prevail during this flu season. The flu vaccine is safe and effective and does not cause the flu.
According to DHEC, there are concerns that as the new flu season begins, more patients may seek treatment for the flu in state hospitals and medical facilities that are already overwhelmed by COVID-19 cases.
Copyright 2021 WCSC. all rights reserved.
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