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When to get a flu shot in 2021

When to get a flu shot in 2021


Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, told CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer on Monday: “What you need to do is get it as soon as possible and in the fastest way. “.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the flu season can weaken your immune system against the flu after months of mitigation of pandemic safety measures and months of possible spread of the virus.

According to the CDC, the flu season usually lasts from October to May in the Northern Hemisphere and from April to September in the Southern Hemisphere. The CDC suggests that the best time to get the flu vaccine is any time between September and the end of October to reduce the risk of serious flu-related illness, hospitalization, and death. ..

“Elderly people with weakened immunity may have weakened immunity, so it is advisable to get the flu vaccine too early,” said an emergency physician and visiting professor of health. Dr. Linawen, a CNN medical analyst, said. Policy and management of the George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health.

“But” too early “generally refers to August. In October (basically now), these individuals have no problem getting vaccinated. ”

Currently, even if influenza activity is low in the community, you should not wait for a surge if it is a reason to be vaccinated against influenza. According to the CDC, influenza activity can increase at any time. “Remember, after being vaccinated, it takes about two weeks to develop an antibody that protects against the flu,” said the CDC.

Immunization against the flu can also reduce the burden facing the healthcare system as the pandemic continues. Intensive care units are extremely undercapacity in some states, including Alabama, Georgia, and Texas. (According to the CDC, people with the flu can get sick enough to go to the hospital. During the flu season from 2019 to 2020, a total of 405,000 children and adults will be hospitalized. There were 22,000 deaths.)

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This can complicate the provision of medical care, including treatment for influenza. We expose all possible influenza infections and other potential COVID-19 exposures in medical care to keep patients away from the hospital. We want to prevent it, “said Associate Chief Dr. David J. Cennimo. By email from the education staff of the VA New Jersey Healthcare System. Cennimo is also an associate professor of medicine and pediatrics at Rutgers New Jersey Medical College.

Here’s what else you need to know about getting the flu vaccine this season for the Covid-19 pandemic:

If I am vaccinated against Covid-19, do I need to be vaccinated against the flu?

Some people think that vaccination against the flu or coronavirus reduces the risk of both viruses, but this is not the case because they are different viruses. Therefore, “influenza vaccination is the best precaution against influenza and its potentially serious complications, and COVID-19 vaccination is the best precaution against COVID-19,” said the CDC.

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According to the CDC, this year’s flu vaccine is designed to protect against four different flu viruses that have been shown to be the most prevalent in research. Due to the large number of ever-changing influenza viruses, the composition of influenza vaccines in the United States is reviewed annually and updated as needed.

Who can get a flu shot?

According to the CDC, people over the age of 6 months should be vaccinated with an age-appropriate flu vaccine or nasal spray flu vaccine by the end of October. Vaccination with a particular vaccine product should not be delayed unless another age-appropriate vaccine is available, unless directed by a doctor.

Where can I get a flu shot?

In addition to doctors’ offices, including pediatricians, you can get the flu vaccine in many places, including your local health department, pharmacies, and sometimes your workplace or the workplace of a close relative.

Can I get the flu shot and the Covid-19 vaccine at the same time?

Influenza vaccine and Covid-19 vaccine can be given at the same time. CDC And other experts said it wasn’t last year. Whether this applies to the third and booster doses of the Covid-19 vaccine has not been publicly addressed by the CDC’s Immunization Implementation Advisory Board, Cennimo said.

One of the reasons last year was different is that the Covid-19 vaccine was “approved only in December”.

“The side effects were being actively studied,” Senimo explained. “Guidance was issued to separate the COVID (vaccine) from other vaccines by 14 days, so that the side effects are exactly due to the vaccine. I gave the two vaccines together so I don’t know which one caused the problem.

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“Data has evolved and vaccines are incredibly safe,” he added. “This made them more comfortable to use, and I could give them other vaccines right now, so I don’t have to worry.”

Whether vaccination with both vaccines at the same time can cause worse symptoms depends on the person and how they tend to respond to the vaccination, Wen said. “People who are particularly worried can choose to space their vaccines, but they know it’s not necessary. It’s really based on your personal comfort.”

Even if you are vaccinated with both vaccines together, you must follow the Covid-19 vaccine schedule to be fully vaccinated. This means that you need to inoculate Pfizer twice after 3 weeks or Moderna twice after 4 weeks.

Do I still need to be vaccinated against the flu even if I wear a mask and practice physical distance?

According to the CDC, vaccination against influenza and Covid-19 is the best way to protect yourself and others, even if you wear a mask and are physically separated from others. ..

“Every individual intervention makes a difference, but the layers come together to protect us the most,” Wen said. “Think about winter. Wearing multiple layers …. Vaccination is also a powerful and important additional tool, when in the midst of a raging pandemic, flu, spreading viruses. It’s especially important when it comes to killing tens of thousands of people easily and every year. We must do everything we can to prevent further illness, suffering, and death. “

CNN’s Jamie Gumbrecht and Lauren Mascarenhas contributed to the story.





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