The study says COVID-19 vaccination could have saved the lives of 100 elderly people in Maine in the first five months.
Maine could have avoided 800 COVID-19 infections, 300 hospitalizations and 100 deaths in the first five months of the year due to access to vaccination, according to a new federal study released Tuesday. There is sex.
Meanwhile, as maine residents continue to be vaccinated, the state reported 897 new COVID-19 cases and 10 more deaths on Tuesday. However, many of these cases are from weekends or last week, and a decrease in the case backlog could reduce the number of cases later this week.
A federal survey is conducted by the US Department of Health and Human Services and provides a state-by-state breakdown of the effects of the vaccine. Nationally, it was concluded that vaccination prevented approximately 265,000 infections, 107,000 hospitalizations, and 39,000 deaths in Medicare recipients from January to May. Medicare is intended for people over the age of 65.
“This report reaffirms what we hear from the state on a daily basis. The COVID-19 vaccine saves lives, prevents hospitalization and reduces infections,” said Secretary of Health and Welfare Xavier Becerra. Stated in a statement. Vaccines have been shown to be very effective in preventing serious illness and hospitalization, and a recent study published in the peer-reviewed medical journal The Lancet found that Pfizer vaccines are all variants, including: It has been shown to be 90% effective in preventing hospitalization for. A more contagious delta variant.
Vaccine deployment began in late December and accelerated from January to spring, with the elderly being the first to receive COVID-19 immunity. This study is based on data collected before, during, and after deployment of the vaccine to measure its impact in each state.
“The study found that for every 10% increase in county vaccination rates, weekly COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths for Medicare recipients decreased by 11-12%,” Health and Human Services said in a news release. It is stated in.
According to the study, “the first increase in vaccination rate is likely to be very effective, and even a small increase in vaccination rate has great rewards.”
Maine has one of the highest immunization rates in the country and is the fourth largest percentage of people who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19, after Vermont, Connecticut and Rhode Island. Immunization rates are particularly high among the oldest inhabitants of the state.
Since the pandemic began Maine reports 92,365 COVID-19 and 1,036 cases. Dead (number).
The Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention does not report weekend cases, so new cases represent positive cases on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. The total also includes some cases dating back to late September due to the backlog of screening for positive test results.
However, Tuesday’s backlog was only 600 cases, compared to the 1,500-2,500 test result backlog that the main CDC has dealt with over the past few weeks. State healthcare professionals need to screen for duplicate positive results in order to get accurate counts. According to the Maine CDC, about 80% of the positive tests reported to the state are non-overlapping and are added to the number of cases.
A reduction in the backlog could mean that the main CDC will report a lowercase number later this week.
The seven-day average of daily new cases in Maine was 597.1 on Tuesday, 521.9 a week ago and 383 a month ago. According to the Harvard Global Health Institute, Maine has 45 COVID-19 cases per 100,000 population, the 14th highest rate in the country and higher than the national average of 32 per 100,000 population.
However, there are signs that the surge has eased.Hospitalization in Maine Dropped to 177 on Tuesday, Decreased from 192 on Monday. This was the lowest level in 18 days, well below the peak of 235 on September 25th.
Nationally, cases decreased to about 100,000 per day, with an average of 7 days decreasing by 28% from 2 weeks ago, according to federal data.
“Let’s hope that easing will work for Maine,” Shah said in Monday’s main public call-in radio show, “Main Calling.”
Another positive sign is that the positive rate for the COVID-19 test dropped on average over 7 days from about 6% a few weeks ago to 4.28% on Tuesday.
Low positive rates indicate that tests have detected most cases of the virus, giving healthcare professionals an increased chance of reducing disease transmission through quarantine and quarantine tactics. In some states, not Maine, the wave of illness overwhelmed hospitals and closed schools, raising positive rates to more than 10%.
vaccination Also increasing in MaineMany of the increases are due to booster shots being given to people over the age of 65 and those in high-risk health.
In terms of vaccination, 879,558 people in Maine receive the final COVID-19 vaccine, which is 65.43 percent of the state’s 1.3 million inhabitants.
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