MN COVID-19: Active cases count edges low.More hospitalizations | State
Minnesota’s Summer-Autumn COVID-19 surge stubbornly refuses to retreat, but the latest numbers show some signs and the situation may be beginning to level off.
Known active cases seem to be flat — the count is high at 21,605, the lowest since last Tuesday. Newly reported cases occurred on Wednesday at 2,388, with the lowest number per day in two weeks.
However, hospitalizations continue to increase, putting further pressure on the state’s understaffed care system. Currently, 990 people in Minnesota hospitals are infected with COVID and 260 are in need of intensive care. This is the highest number ever in 2021.
More COVID patients are hospitalized in Minnesota than in the Twin Cities region, and the pattern that emerged last week continues.
The rate of positive tests, which were relatively stable from spring to early summer, has increased over the past few weeks.
Wednesday’s seven-day rate was down one tick from Tuesday, but the seven-day average is above 7%, above the 5% that authorities are concerned about.
Positive test rates haven’t jumped like the waves of late fall last year, but they continue to show significant community expansion.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the entire state is showing high levels of COVID-19 infection, caused by a highly contagious delta mutant. Teens continue to be hit hardest in new cases.
Approximately two-thirds of newly reported cases come from outside the Twin Cities area of District 7, with the northwestern Minnesota being particularly hit.
The state’s death toll was 8,354, including 24 newly reported deaths on Wednesday. Includes 3 people in their 30s and 4 people in their 50s.
In general, Minnesota is in a better position than between the fall and spring spikes. 73% of state citizens over the age of 12 have been vaccinated at least once, and more than 69% have been fully vaccinated.
However, vaccination of more Minnesotans remains a major challenge, leaving large gaps in vaccination rates between regions and counties.
State health officials and hospital leaders are increasingly stressed, understaffed and struggling with the rapidly growing needs of COVID-19 and other patients last week in Minnesota’s healthcare system. I drew an interesting picture.
“There are zero adult medical surgical beds available throughout the state, and zero adult ICU beds available during this latest surge,” Malcolm of the Minnesota Health Commission told reporters. More hospitals are reporting that. “
She was vaccinated with qualified Minesotan and begged to take precautions to delay the spread of the disease. “Unfortunately, there is plenty of room for the virus to do harm.”
© 2020 Minnesota Public Radio. all rights reserved.
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