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Despite exemplary vaccination, Chile has become a South American country with the highest number of new cases per million people

Despite exemplary vaccination, Chile has become a South American country with the highest number of new cases per million people


Despite exemplary vaccination, Chile has become a South American country with the highest number of new cases per million people

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – Despite exemplary immunization efforts, Chile has recently become a South American country with 19 new Covids per day per million people. This tendency seems unstoppable.

According to the El Mercurio newspaper, the corresponding diagnosis rate in Chile is 67 per day, which is higher than Brazil (50) and Uruguay (46) and almost twice that of Bolivia (31).

In Wednesday’s report, the Ministry of Health (Minsal) 1,206 reported infections And an increase of 49% and 61% compared to the 7th and 14th, respectively.

Despite exemplary vaccination, Chile has become a South American country with the highest number of new cases per million people

Oxford University Our World in Data Platform This increase has also been recorded, 70.65 cases per million people from October 14th to 20th.

Immunity to the vaccine is not as strong as it needs to be

When asked why this unfortunate deployment, local “experts” have made lame excuses such as “people are not fully risk-aware,” as they have been for months already, and vaccines. Unvaccinated people blame it and hear that it is also obsolete for a long time.

Just because something is repeated constantly does not mean that it is true.

But the truth is probably much more shocking. You may need to get used to the fact that not all claims that vaccination is the Holy Grail are necessarily true.

Then Chile only suffers from the same fate as Israel, Iceland, Portugal, and others in front of them.

Israel was the first country in the world to completely vaccinate Covid-19 on 69% of the 9.3 million inhabitants over the age of 16. Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine distribution began in December 2020 and people were considered fully protected one week after the second injection.

But in mid-August Reported Israel has the highest daily infection rate in the world, doubling in just two weeks, averaging nearly 7,500 cases per day. In other words, 1 in 150 people are infected with the virus.

according to Israeli Ministry of Health, Efficacy of two doses of BNT162b2 vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech) in preventing Covid-19 infection Was 39%, Quite below 96% effectiveness Found in research.

Also, the immunity derived from the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine Wasn’t that strong On request.

This meant that in August, half of Israel’s critically ill patients were previously vaccinated twice. The number of infections increased tenfold from mid-July to mid-August, and the number of reported deaths increased from five in June to 248 just two months later.

Of course, Israel was the first country to launch a national booster campaign with a third injection of Pfizer’s vaccine.

Despite exemplary vaccination, Chile has become a South American country with the highest number of new cases per million people

Increased infectious diseases independent of vaccine level

Given recent results, it makes no sense for vaccine proponents to argue. Harvard University study.

In 68 countries, including 2947 counties in the United States, vaccinated individuals were found to be at greater risk of Covid-19-related hospitalization. Previously infected.

According to the research team, 60% of Israel’s population was completely vaccinated, with 19 Covids per million being the most common in the seven days prior to the survey.

This was also true for Iceland and Portugal, where more than 75% of the population was fully vaccinated. Still, there were more Covid-19 cases per million people than in countries such as Vietnam and South Africa. Only about 10% of the population Fully vaccinated.

There is no legitimate debate about continuing to promote vaccines with false hopes, not to mention compulsory vaccination with vaccination passports.

Despite exemplary vaccination, Chile has become a South American country with the highest number of new cases per million people

All support innate immunity

Innate immunity should be considered at this point. Almost 30 Scientific research from all over the world Show that innate immunity provides effective protection against infection

Innate immunity to SARS virus is robust, durable, most effective even in the case of mutations, and is generally more effective than vaccines. Efforts to pretend not are a scientific betrayal, especially as the ongoing neglect of the subject affects the rights and freedoms of billions of people.

Monica Gandhi, Ph.D. According to many important studies, memory B cells and memory T cells are formed in response to the natural infection of an infectious disease. the study 1, 2, and 3 also show that these memory cells respond by producing antibodies against the available mutants, indicating that booster immunization is not required.

In a long Twitter thread, Gandhi quoted a list of about 20 references to innate immunity that supports vaccine and infection-induced immunity persistence, adding an article in December as the list became too long. He said he had quit. However, as Gandhi states in an article in the British Medical Journal, there is still more to say that “research will continue.”

T cell immunity remains strong after 17 years

the study, “SARS-CoV-2 specific T cell immunity in cases of COVID-19 and SARS and uninfected controls” People who recovered from SARS infection in 2002-03 show that they are still strong 17 years later. However, antibodies are declining, indicating long-lasting T-cell immunity to coronavirus.Gandhi Research It shows that 32 people between the ages of 91 and 101 who survived the 1918 influenza pandemic had memory B cells that could produce neutralizing antibodies to the strain 90 years later.

However, these studies claiming innate immunity have not been considered by our government, and to date, vaccines are required as well as administered.




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