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Blood tests may predict worsening of MS


Selena Gordon

HealthDay Reporter

Thursday, May 21, 2020 (Health Day News) -New Blood Tests Will Be Doctors Multiple sclerosis It can quickly get worse.

The test looks for a substance called a neurofilament light chain. It is a neuroprotein that can be detected when nerve cells die. People at higher levels were likely to exacerbate the effects of MS within the next year.

With an illness like MS This non-invasive blood test is very valuable because it is unpredictable and varies greatly from person to person. Especially because the treatment is most effective in the early stages of the disease. “Release from journal Neurology, The study was published online on May 20th.

Manouchehrinia is an associate professor of clinical neuroscience at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden.

His neurofilament light chain blood test study included nearly 4,400 individuals with multiple sclerosis and more than 1,000 untreated controls.

In MS, the body ’s immune system central nervous system, Commonly leading to balance and gait problems.

For five years, volunteers provided blood samples and tracked their health status to confirm the exacerbation of the disability. The researchers also checked for signs of a more serious form of MS called secondary progressive MS.

In this study, data were controlled by considering factors such as the duration of MS that could lead to worsening disability.

Studies found that people with MS had much more neurofilament light chains in their blood than people without the disease.

Also, people with high levels of neuroprotein were 40-70% more likely to have a worsening disorder the following year than people with low levels.

Higher protein levels increase the chances of moderate disorders affecting your daily life by 50%, but reduce your walking ability.


People with high protein levels were 50% more likely to have a walking disorder, but still about a third of a mile could walk without help or breaks.

Overall, 16% (525 people) had moderate disability during the 5-year study period. 9% (352) developed significant disability.

The test predicted that the risk of disability was much higher, but could not clearly indicate if anyone had the disability.

Manouchehrinia said other pathologies that have not been studied could affect neurofilament light chain levels. Further research is needed.

Dr. Asaph Harrell, a neurologist at Lennox Hill Hospital in New York City, said blood tests may have a place for current MS monitoring, such as MRI and physical examination.

“These results increase the number of references examining light levels of blood neurofilaments as a tool for predicting the long-term prognosis of MS,” Harel said.

Marc Alegreta, vice president of research at the American Society for Multiple Sclerosis, said the study was large, with more than 1,000 controls.

“This study adds a lot of confidence that neurofilament light chain levels are useful in multiple sclerosis,” he said.

Like Harrell, Allegretta predicted that blood screening would one day be used in combination with other tests.

“For many of these tools, the information is additive. I don’t intend to rely on a single test,” he said.

MRI is currently used to track the course of the disease. But Allegretta says there are benefits to blood tests. Blood tests are more standardized than imaging tests and can be performed more often and at a lower cost.

Allegretta said the trial could be useful in clinical trials to see if anyone is responding to treatment. He added that it is at least a few years away.

WebMD News from HealthDay


Source: Asaff Harel, M.D. , Neurologist, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York City. Dr. Mark Allegretta, Vice President of Research, National Multiple Sclerosis Society.Neurology, May 20, 2020, online

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