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“It couldn’t have been Covid, right?”-Duncan Garner says he has the virus because he’s waiting for test results.

“It couldn’t have been Covid, right?”-Duncan Garner says he has the virus because he’s waiting for test results.


Broadcaster Duncan Garner He said he probably caught Covid-19, and his son returned a positive result.

In the opinion article NBRGarner said he had various symptoms and was waiting for the test results to come back.

“A few days ago I woke up, but my body refused to move in any direction. I had a headache, and when I suddenly moved, my body hurt like something would break, and a frog in my throat. Was, “he wrote in the column.

Garner initially explained that he thought it was a typical winter cold head.

“I’ve experienced a lot before, but this was never the worst. I thought it couldn’t be Covid. I’m double vaccinated, certainly it couldn’t be Covid. I did. ” NBR article Said.

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Duncan Garner states that it is likely that he caught Covid-19 during the delta outbreak in Auckland.  (File photo)


Duncan Garner states that it is likely that he caught Covid-19 during the delta outbreak in Auckland. (File photo)

Garner says he feels better after taking paracetamol and nurophen. Things went well only when he knew his 11-year-old son was ill.

“Everything he was suffering from was directed to Covid-19. So we had him tested. The results confirmed Covid. My results are pending. At the time of writing, all roads seem to lead to Covid-19. I can’t taste anything, I’m sweating, it’s hot. “

Garner’s Opinion Piece Government decision to reopen school Given the Increase in the number of cases In Auckland, and Young children Not vaccinated. (Children under 12 years old Not yet eligible for vaccination against Covid-19 In New Zealand. )

In the story of NBR, Garner tells people Get vaccinatedSays he knows he’s not suffering from the worst that Delta offers He was vaccinated.. “But I glanced, and it’s terrible,” he said.

“Despite the wide range of vaccination rates, I prove you can still get Covid, it’s just a lighter version.”

on Sunday, 207 new cases of Covid-19 were reported, killing one at North Shore Hospital.

Of those new cases, 192 were in Auckland. 2 in Rotorua, 2 in Talalua district, 7 in Waikato, 2 in Northland.

“You can now see it and crawl down the island.” Masterton Mayor Lymph Tarson said NS thing After a weekend in Wairarapa, a Covid-positive person is now in a place of interest Published online..

NS A total of 90 people were in the hospitall Includes 4 cases still under evaluation at the time of the ministry update on Sunday. Of the patients in the hospital, 50 are unvaccinated or not eligible for vaccination. Eleven are fully vaccinated and 19 are partially vaccinated. The remaining seven statuses were not announced by the ministry.

Monday was the last day for educators Have been vaccinated with Covid-19 vaccine at least once Let’s continue working in the classroom.

All Auckland and Waikato students in the locked down area You will be able to return to school from Wednesday, November 17th. Children in grades 1-8 return part-time, and students in grades 9 and 10 return full-time. Senior student I’m back from October 26th.




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