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Legendary Indigenous Australian actor David Gulpilil has died aged 68

Legendary Indigenous Australian actor David Gulpilil has died aged 68


David Gulpilil, a pioneering Indigenous Australian actor, has passed away at the age of 68.

The star was well known for her appearances in films such as Wandering, Storm boy and Dundee Crocodile, and has been described as “one of the greatest artists Australia has ever seen”.

Breaking the news, South Australia’s Prime Minister Steven Marshall said in a statement: It is with deep sadness that I share with the people of South Australia the death of an iconic artist from ‘a generation that shaped the history of Australian cinema and Indigenous representation on screen David Gulpilil Ridjimiraril Dalaithngu (AM).

He added: Actor, dancer, singer and painter, he was also one of the greatest artists Australia had ever seen.

David Gulpilil
David Gulpilil. CREDIT: Getty / Don Arnold

Gulpilil is from the Mandhalpingu clan of the Yolu people and grew up in Arnhem Land. He later became a resident of Murray Bridge.

Marshall noted how his role in the 1971 Nicolas Roeg film Wandering “It was the first time that many in Australia and around the world saw an Aboriginal figure portrayed on screen.”

He added: “He has faced racism and discrimination and has lived with the pressures of the gulf between his traditional way of life and his public profile. “

Gulpilil was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2017, and his last project was the autobiographical documentary My name is Gulpilil, released earlier this year.

Some of his other credits included The tracker, anti-rabbit fence and Ten canoes, and in 2014, he won the Un Certain Regard award for best actor at the Cannes Film Festival for Charlie’s country.

Since the news broke, tributes have poured in for the late star, founder of the Asylum Seekers Resource Center, Kon Karapanagiotidis writing: “With his imposing on-screen humanity and talent, David Gulpilil confronted us with our shameful treatment of First Nations people and challenged us to learn from them and not look away.

“He taught me so much about how we were in the land of the world’s oldest living culture and I’m so grateful.”

Many others shared tributes:




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