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How many cases of COVID-19 are there in the Waterloo region?

How many cases of COVID-19 are there in the Waterloo region?


Norgen Biotek Corp. COVID-19 test kit manufactured by.

This is a rapidly evolving situation.The information in this article was last updated on December 1st..Will be updated as more data is released Public health in the Waterloo region..

NS December 1st Dashboard report From a public health show in the Waterloo region 238 Active cases of virus, total 20,416 The case has been resolved.

there were 49 New positive cases of virus reported in total 20,914 COVID-19 positive cases in this area, 11 11 I am currently in the hospital. Among the cases currently hospitalized in the area due to the virus, 6 I entered the intensive care unit.

There is 7,198 Case studies of variants identified in the Waterloo region 3,127 Alpha case (first detected in the UK), twenty one Beta case (first detected in South Africa), 3,690 Delta case (first detected in India) and 98 Gamma case (first detected in Brazil).

There was a total of 647,676 The COVID-19 test was conducted (updated on Tuesday and Friday).

307 Deaths have been reported for people who tested positive for the virus.

Outbreaks have been declared at Cedar Creek Public Schools (2) and construction sites (2).

Outbreaks ended in sports and fitness workplaces – hockey-related (2) and trade and services workplaces (4).

The total number of outbreaks in this area is currently Ten, The breakdown is as follows.

Childcare: 1

Set setting: 0

Hospital: 0

Independent living: 0

LTC / RH: 0

School: 0

After higher education: 2

Workplace: 7

Virus infections are highest in the area with the highest contact. 9,743 It has been reported.

For the rest 6,405 Acquired through community communication, 4,267 Cases were acquired throughout the outbreak, 508 The case acquired COVID-19 during the trip.

Adults in their twenties have the highest number of cases in the Waterloo region. 4,998.. People in their thirties 3,511 While the case, the one in the 40s is composed 2,780 Of the local case. 1,344 Children under the age of 9 test positive and 2,312 Between 10 and 19 years old.

Only 5% of previous cases, 1,089 In total, I am among the healthcare professionals.

No individual cases of age, gender, transmission route, test location, and negative tests have been reported in this area.

New cases are added daily.

Visit the Ontario Ministry of Health site for state totals., Updated twice a day.

A group of scientists, engineers and clinicians have created an online screening tool to provide information about COVID-19. They have created self-reporting tools and heatmaps to identify potential cases, identified cases, and hotspots for vulnerable individuals across the country. You can check the map and participate in data collection by accessing.

More data and global totals

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Center for Systems Science and Engineering, map COVID-19 Provides up-to-date information on the global impact of the pandemic.

World Health Organization (WHO) created interactive NSituation dashboard A map showing updated cases around the world.

What if you have symptoms?

Move to Complete the self-assessment. Results may indicate that you need to call your doctor or Telehealth Ontario. 1-866-797-0000 We will arrange a telephone evaluation.

Continue practicing social distance.

• Self-quarantine.

• Call your primary care provider or Telehealth Ontario.

• Alternatively, if you have symptoms such as severe dyspnea or severe chest pain, call 911 or go to the emergency department.





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