Below you’ll find information on the latest COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations in California, community transmission, vaccine rates and booster shots and the latest headlines — all in one place.App users, click here to see all the charts with this story. Latest COVID-19 cases in 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(App users, click here to see the latest COVID-19 case and testing numbers).Latest COVID-19-related hospitalizations in 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(App users, click here to see the latest COVID-19-related hospitalizations in the state)Community transmission in California Below you’ll find the levels of community transmission by county in California. Latest COVID-19 headlines The world has the tools to end the coronavirus pandemic. They’re not being used properly | The COVID-19 pandemic will not last forever. It will likely continue to fizzle and fade as it heads towards its third year, resurging with new variants and then waning in the face of vaccines, mitigation measures and human behavior. But even if the virus is never stamped out, immunity will improve and the world will eventually be able to live with COVID. ‘Bridge to nowhere’: People placed on ventilators have high chance of mortality | There’s at least 51 COVID-19 patients on ventilators at metro hospitals, a Nebraska Medicine doctor said once that happens, it’s a bridge leading to nowhere. ‘The worst day of my life’: Mom of 4 dies from COVID-19 days after giving birth | Adrienne Chandler was a mom of four. She died from COVID-19 three days after having her fourth child. Family tells sister station WISN she never got to meet the newborn. Dr. Fauci says early reports encouraging about omicron variant, but still urges caution | U.S. health officials said Sunday that while the omicron variant of the coronavirus is rapidly spreading throughout the country, early indications suggest it may be less dangerous than delta, which continues to drive a surge of hospitalizations. Northern California parents knowingly sent child to school with COVID | Northern California parents knowingly sent their COVID-19 positive child and a sibling to school last month in violation of isolation and quarantine rules, causing a coronavirus outbreak in an elementary school, officials said Saturday. Study: Mix-and-match J&J COVID-19 booster raised immune response after Pfizer vaccine | Using the Johnson & Johnson vaccine as a booster for people initially immunized with the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine produces a strong immune response and may do more to elicit protection against severe disease, researchers reported Sunday. The US is averaging more than 100,000 new COVID-19 cases a day, the highest level in two months | For the first time in two months, the U.S. is averaging more than 100,000 new COVID-19 cases each day, shortly after millions of Americans traveled for the Thanksgiving holiday. 5 in California contract omicron linked to Wisconsin wedding | At least five people in Northern California have contracted the omicron variant of the coronavirus, and the outbreak is linked to a wedding in Wisconsin last month, public health officials said Friday. COVID-19 outbreak on cruise ship approaching New Orleans | Ten people aboard a Norwegian Cruise Line ship approaching New Orleans have tested positive for COVID-19, officials said Saturday night. Sacramento area health experts express cautious optimism about omicron variant | There’s a glimmer of optimism shared by health experts as they keep a close eye on the rise of COVID-19 cases that result from the omicron variant. Contact tracing revs up in some states as omicron coronavirus variant reaches US | The arrival of the omicron variant of the coronavirus in the U.S. has health officials in some communities reviving contact tracing operations in an attempt to slow and better understand its spread as scientists study how contagious it is and whether it can thwart vaccines. Some states are now offering unemployment benefits for those who lose jobs over vaccine mandates | Only a few months after terminating federal pandemic unemployment benefits early, several states are now expanding jobless payments to a different group of people affected by COVID-19: Unvaccinated residents who are losing their jobs due to vaccine mandates. Know before you go: Here are the travel changes prompted by the omicron variant | Just when we thought U.S. travel rules were starting to stabilize, along comes omicron. Sacramento nurse ditches retirement to help vaccinate against COVID-19 | After working for 30 years as a nurse in Sacramento, Janeice Pierce retired in June 2020. How the omicron variant is changing public health rules in these Northern California counties | County public health officials across Northern California are keeping a close eye on news about the omicron variant, after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, classified it a “variant of concern” earlier this week. How many vaccines have been administered in California?| MORE | How many doses have been administered by California county, ZIP 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 Tracker: How many people have been vaccinated across the country?Where can I get the COVID-19 vaccine?Californians can get their COVID-19 shots at community vaccination sites, doctor’s offices, clinics and pharmacies.You can find the state’s latest updates on and check the notification tool My Turn for information on eligibility and to schedule appointments. County health department websites are also a great tool for seeing what vaccine options are available. The state also promotes the online tool Vaccine Finder to help in locating a vaccination site near you.Pharmacy vaccine information:CVSRite AidWalgreens Can my child be vaccinated against COVID-19?In November, the CDC gave the final OK to approve Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine for kids ages 5 to 11.The kid-sized dose is one-third the size of the adult dose and is administered with a smaller needle. Similar to the adult dosage, eligible kids will need to have two shots that are 21 days apart. Parents can book appointments for their child on or call 833-422-4255.| MORE | Click here for more information on pharmacies providing the COVID-19 vaccine for your childYou can also check your county’s health department for more information on upcoming vaccine clinics.Sacramento CountyStanislaus CountySan Joaquin CountyYolo CountyPlacer CountyEl Dorado CountySolano County Will I need a booster shot?The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Nov. 30 strengthened its recommendations for who should get a COVID-19 booster shot. All adults should get a booster due to waning immunity, the CDC says. People immunized with Pfizer/BioNTech’s or Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccines should get a booster six months after they finish their first two doses. Anyone who got a Johnson & Johnson shot at least two months ago should also get a booster, the CDC said. California officials previously made similar recommendations. “The recent emergence of the Omicron variant (B.1.1.529) further emphasizes the importance of vaccination, boosters, and prevention efforts needed to protect against COVID-19,” CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said.See the CDC’s information on boosters here.What should I know about the vaccines that have received emergency use authorization from the FDA?Moderna and Pfizer vaccinesHailed as vaccine game-changers for the medical community, health officials say both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are different than any other used for viruses such as the flu, measles or polio.Those COVID-19 vaccines currently approved under emergency use authorization contain what is called messenger RNA, which is being used to create new types of vaccines to protect against infectious diseases.According to the CDC, “to trigger an immune response, many vaccines put a weakened or inactivated germ into our bodies. Not mRNA vaccines. Instead, they teach our cells how to make a protein — or even just a piece of a protein — that triggers an immune response inside our bodies. That immune response, which produces antibodies, is what protects us from getting infected if the real virus enters our bodies.”Johnson & Johnson’s vaccineOn Feb. 28, the Food and Drug Administration authorized Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine — the first single-dose COVID-19 vaccine available in the U.S. and is one that “checks nearly all the boxes.”The vaccine, made by Janssen, J&J’s vaccine arm, was said to be safe and effective, and it’s considered flexible. It’s a single dose, and it doesn’t require special storage.The vaccine is authorized for people ages 18 and older.The CDC and the FDA on April 13 said they were investigating several cases of unusual clots that occurred 6 to 13 days after vaccination. The clots occurred in veins that drain blood from the brain and occurred together with low platelets. As a result, the agencies recommended a “pause” in vaccinations with J&J’s vaccine so investigators could look into the cases. Health officials said in an update on April 23 they were aware of 15 cases of the unusual clots since the government authorized use of the vaccine and nearly 8 million shots were given. All were women, most of them under 50. Three died, and seven remained hospitalized.The CDC and FDA lifted the pause, deciding that the vaccine’s benefits outweighed the rare risk of blood clots. They said the risk could be handled with warnings to help younger women decide if they should use that shot or an alternative. More questions answered with our Get the Facts on the Vax reportsKCRA 3 has taken viewer questions about the vaccine to health experts. If you have other questions, fill out our survey or send us an email at [email protected] the Facts on the Vax: Viewer questions answered about the COVID-19 vaccine for kids 5-11 Get the Facts on the Vax: Addressing fertility concerns with the COVID-19 vaccine Should kids about to turn 12 get the child’s vaccine dose? Kaiser doctor answers viewer questions Q&A: Doctor answers questions about COVID-19 vaccine safety for young children Are COVID-19 boosters the same as the original vaccines? Get the Facts on the Vax: Do you have to get multiple doses of the vaccine for it to be effective?Get the Facts on the Vax: When will the J&J vaccine be available for children 12 and up?Get the Facts on the Vax: Will I be charged for a COVID-19 vaccine?Get the Facts on the Vax: Why should I get vaccinated if I already had COVID-19?Get the Facts on the Vax: For how long will the vaccines be effective?Get the Facts on the Vax: Who should still be getting tested for COVID-19?Can COVID-19 vaccines affect my period?So you got the COVID-19 vaccine: 9 common questions answeredQ&A: Dr. Blumberg answers viewer questions about COVID-19 vaccine safetyYour guide to every COVID-19 vaccine questionYour COVID-19 Vaccine Questions: Facebook Live with Dr. Dean Blumberg, chief of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at UC Davis HealthCOVID-19 Vaccine Questions: Can I test positive after getting the shot? What if I’ve already had COVID? Should I get tested for COVID-19? Where can I get a test in California? Demand for COVID-19 testing in California and across the country has surged as the highly infectious delta variant spreads and proof of a negative test is increasingly being required for travel, admission to entertainment events, job sites and schools.Testing should be free for individuals with few exceptions at COVID-19 testing sites licensed in California. Health insurance companies are supposed to cover the tests for their members, and the government pays for those who are uninsured.You can get a COVID-19 test from any provider at any time and should not pay anything, including a co-pay or payment toward a deductible for getting tested.Click here for what you should know about getting reimbursed if you were charged. Here is where you can search for a testing site by address, city, county or ZIP code in California. For more information on testing, visit here. | MORE | What to know about different kinds of COVID-19 tests| MORE | How to get reimbursed for an at-home COVID-19 test in California How to protect yourself of COVID-19Here is where you find the state’s latest information on COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations.There are six ways to protect yourself and family, according to the California Department of Public Health:• Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.• Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.• Cover a cough or sneeze with your sleeve, or disposable tissue. Wash your hands afterward.• Avoiding close contact with people who are sick.• Stay away from work, school or other people if you become sick with respiratory symptoms like fever and cough.• Follow guidance from public health officials.What are the symptoms of COVID-19? Per the CDC, these are the symptoms you should watch out for:Fever or chillsCoughShortness of breath or difficulty breathingFatigueMuscle or body achesHeadacheNew loss of taste or smellSore throatCongestion or runny noseNausea or vomitingDiarrheaThis list does not include all possible symptoms. The CDC says to look for emergency warning signs for coronavirus. If someone is showing any of these signs, seek emergency medical care immediately:Trouble breathingPersistent pain or pressure in the chestNew confusionInability to wake or stay awakeBluish lips or face Call your medical provider for any other symptoms that are severe or concerning to you. Call 911 or call ahead to your local emergency facility: Notify the operator that you are seeking care for someone who has or may have COVID-19.Who is most at risk for coronavirus?Anyone can have mild to severe symptoms of COVID-19, according to the CDC.Older adults and people who have severe underlying medical conditions like heart or lung disease or diabetes seem to be at higher risk for developing more serious complications from the virus.— This Associated Press contributed to this report.
Below you’ll find information on the latest COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations in California, community transmission, vaccine rates and booster shots and the latest headlines — all in one place.
App users, click here to see all the charts with this story.
Latest COVID-19 cases in California
(App users, click here to see the latest COVID-19 case and testing numbers).
Latest COVID-19-related hospitalizations in California
(App users, click here to see the latest COVID-19-related hospitalizations in the state)
Community transmission in California
Below you’ll find the levels of community transmission by county in California.
Latest COVID-19 headlines
- The world has the tools to end the coronavirus pandemic. They’re not being used properly | The COVID-19 pandemic will not last forever. It will likely continue to fizzle and fade as it heads towards its third year, resurging with new variants and then waning in the face of vaccines, mitigation measures and human behavior. But even if the virus is never stamped out, immunity will improve and the world will eventually be able to live with COVID.
- ‘Bridge to nowhere’: People placed on ventilators have high chance of mortality | There’s at least 51 COVID-19 patients on ventilators at metro hospitals, a Nebraska Medicine doctor said once that happens, it’s a bridge leading to nowhere.
- ‘The worst day of my life’: Mom of 4 dies from COVID-19 days after giving birth | Adrienne Chandler was a mom of four. She died from COVID-19 three days after having her fourth child. Family tells sister station WISN she never got to meet the newborn.
- Dr. Fauci says early reports encouraging about omicron variant, but still urges caution | U.S. health officials said Sunday that while the omicron variant of the coronavirus is rapidly spreading throughout the country, early indications suggest it may be less dangerous than delta, which continues to drive a surge of hospitalizations.
- Northern California parents knowingly sent child to school with COVID | Northern California parents knowingly sent their COVID-19 positive child and a sibling to school last month in violation of isolation and quarantine rules, causing a coronavirus outbreak in an elementary school, officials said Saturday.
- Study: Mix-and-match J&J COVID-19 booster raised immune response after Pfizer vaccine | Using the Johnson & Johnson vaccine as a booster for people initially immunized with the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine produces a strong immune response and may do more to elicit protection against severe disease, researchers reported Sunday.
- The US is averaging more than 100,000 new COVID-19 cases a day, the highest level in two months | For the first time in two months, the U.S. is averaging more than 100,000 new COVID-19 cases each day, shortly after millions of Americans traveled for the Thanksgiving holiday.
- 5 in California contract omicron linked to Wisconsin wedding | At least five people in Northern California have contracted the omicron variant of the coronavirus, and the outbreak is linked to a wedding in Wisconsin last month, public health officials said Friday.
- COVID-19 outbreak on cruise ship approaching New Orleans | Ten people aboard a Norwegian Cruise Line ship approaching New Orleans have tested positive for COVID-19, officials said Saturday night.
- Sacramento area health experts express cautious optimism about omicron variant | There’s a glimmer of optimism shared by health experts as they keep a close eye on the rise of COVID-19 cases that result from the omicron variant.
- Contact tracing revs up in some states as omicron coronavirus variant reaches US | The arrival of the omicron variant of the coronavirus in the U.S. has health officials in some communities reviving contact tracing operations in an attempt to slow and better understand its spread as scientists study how contagious it is and whether it can thwart vaccines.
- Some states are now offering unemployment benefits for those who lose jobs over vaccine mandates | Only a few months after terminating federal pandemic unemployment benefits early, several states are now expanding jobless payments to a different group of people affected by COVID-19: Unvaccinated residents who are losing their jobs due to vaccine mandates.
- Know before you go: Here are the travel changes prompted by the omicron variant | Just when we thought U.S. travel rules were starting to stabilize, along comes omicron.
- Sacramento nurse ditches retirement to help vaccinate against COVID-19 | After working for 30 years as a nurse in Sacramento, Janeice Pierce retired in June 2020.
- How the omicron variant is changing public health rules in these Northern California counties | County public health officials across Northern California are keeping a close eye on news about the omicron variant, after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, classified it a “variant of concern” earlier this week.
How many vaccines have been administered in California?
| MORE | How many doses have been administered by California county, ZIP code
Vaccine Tracker: How many people have been vaccinated across the country?
Where can I get the COVID-19 vaccine?
Californians can get their COVID-19 shots at community vaccination sites, doctor’s offices, clinics and pharmacies.
You can find the state’s latest updates on and check the notification tool My Turn for information on eligibility and to schedule appointments. County health department websites are also a great tool for seeing what vaccine options are available. The state also promotes the online tool Vaccine Finder to help in locating a vaccination site near you.
Pharmacy vaccine information:
Rite Aid
Can my child be vaccinated against COVID-19?
In November, the CDC gave the final OK to approve Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine for kids ages 5 to 11.
The kid-sized dose is one-third the size of the adult dose and is administered with a smaller needle. Similar to the adult dosage, eligible kids will need to have two shots that are 21 days apart.
Parents can book appointments for their child on or call 833-422-4255.
| MORE | Click here for more information on pharmacies providing the COVID-19 vaccine for your child
You can also check your county’s health department for more information on upcoming vaccine clinics.
Will I need a booster shot?
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Nov. 30 strengthened its recommendations for who should get a COVID-19 booster shot.
All adults should get a booster due to waning immunity, the CDC says.
People immunized with Pfizer/BioNTech’s or Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccines should get a booster six months after they finish their first two doses.
Anyone who got a Johnson & Johnson shot at least two months ago should also get a booster, the CDC said.
California officials previously made similar recommendations.
“The recent emergence of the Omicron variant (B.1.1.529) further emphasizes the importance of vaccination, boosters, and prevention efforts needed to protect against COVID-19,” CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said.
What should I know about the vaccines that have received emergency use authorization from the FDA?
Moderna and Pfizer vaccines
Hailed as vaccine game-changers for the medical community, health officials say both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are different than any other used for viruses such as the flu, measles or polio.
Those COVID-19 vaccines currently approved under emergency use authorization contain what is called messenger RNA, which is being used to create new types of vaccines to protect against infectious diseases.
According to the CDC, “to trigger an immune response, many vaccines put a weakened or inactivated germ into our bodies. Not mRNA vaccines. Instead, they teach our cells how to make a protein — or even just a piece of a protein — that triggers an immune response inside our bodies. That immune response, which produces antibodies, is what protects us from getting infected if the real virus enters our bodies.”
Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine
On Feb. 28, the Food and Drug Administration authorized Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine — the first single-dose COVID-19 vaccine available in the U.S. and is one that “checks nearly all the boxes.”
The vaccine, made by Janssen, J&J’s vaccine arm, was said to be safe and effective, and it’s considered flexible. It’s a single dose, and it doesn’t require special storage.
The vaccine is authorized for people ages 18 and older.
The CDC and the FDA on April 13 said they were investigating several cases of unusual clots that occurred 6 to 13 days after vaccination. The clots occurred in veins that drain blood from the brain and occurred together with low platelets.
As a result, the agencies recommended a “pause” in vaccinations with J&J’s vaccine so investigators could look into the cases.
Health officials said in an update on April 23 they were aware of 15 cases of the unusual clots since the government authorized use of the vaccine and nearly 8 million shots were given. All were women, most of them under 50. Three died, and seven remained hospitalized.
The CDC and FDA lifted the pause, deciding that the vaccine’s benefits outweighed the rare risk of blood clots. They said the risk could be handled with warnings to help younger women decide if they should use that shot or an alternative.
More questions answered with our Get the Facts on the Vax reports
KCRA 3 has taken viewer questions about the vaccine to health experts. If you have other questions, fill out our survey or send us an email at [email protected].
Should I get tested for COVID-19? Where can I get a test in California?
Demand for COVID-19 testing in California and across the country has surged as the highly infectious delta variant spreads and proof of a negative test is increasingly being required for travel, admission to entertainment events, job sites and schools.
Testing should be free for individuals with few exceptions at COVID-19 testing sites licensed in California. Health insurance companies are supposed to cover the tests for their members, and the government pays for those who are uninsured.
You can get a COVID-19 test from any provider at any time and should not pay anything, including a co-pay or payment toward a deductible for getting tested.
Click here for what you should know about getting reimbursed if you were charged.
Here is where you can search for a testing site by address, city, county or ZIP code in California. For more information on testing, visit here.
| MORE | What to know about different kinds of COVID-19 tests
| MORE | How to get reimbursed for an at-home COVID-19 test in California
How to protect yourself of COVID-19
Here is where you find the state’s latest information on COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations.
There are six ways to protect yourself and family, according to the California Department of Public Health:
• Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
• Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.
• Cover a cough or sneeze with your sleeve, or disposable tissue. Wash your hands afterward.
• Avoiding close contact with people who are sick.
• Stay away from work, school or other people if you become sick with respiratory symptoms like fever and cough.
• Follow guidance from public health officials.
What are the symptoms of COVID-19?
Per the CDC, these are the symptoms you should watch out for:
- Fever or chills
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
This list does not include all possible symptoms.
The CDC says to look for emergency warning signs for coronavirus. If someone is showing any of these signs, seek emergency medical care immediately:
- Trouble breathing
- Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
- New confusion
- Inability to wake or stay awake
- Bluish lips or face
Call your medical provider for any other symptoms that are severe or concerning to you. Call 911 or call ahead to your local emergency facility: Notify the operator that you are seeking care for someone who has or may have COVID-19.
Who is most at risk for coronavirus?
Anyone can have mild to severe symptoms of COVID-19, according to the CDC.
Older adults and people who have severe underlying medical conditions like heart or lung disease or diabetes seem to be at higher risk for developing more serious complications from the virus.
— This Associated Press contributed to this report.