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Onondaga County does not enforce new state mask obligations until companies learn the rules

Onondaga County does not enforce new state mask obligations until companies learn the rules


Syracuse, NY-Onondaga County Authorities Will Not Enforce Immediately State new mask man date Ryan McMahon, an executive in Onondaga County, said today until he had time to answer the questions that restaurants and other companies have about their requirements.

The DelegationMasks must be worn in all public places indoors, announced by Governor Kathy Hokul. However, this excludes restaurants and other businesses where you need to show proof of vaccination to enter.

The rule will come into effect on Monday. The mandate was just announced this morning, so companies are asking a lot of questions about it, McMahon said.

“Next week will be a big learning curve for businesses,” McMahon said. “We will spend next week on private sector education, not disciplinary.”

Anyone or company that violates the new rules may be fined up to $ 1,000 for each violation.

McMahon said he was worried about how the new rules would affect the hospitality industry, as many restaurants and bars are still struggling to recover. coronavirus Pandemic.

Under the new mission, companies will need to require all patrons to wear masks or certify vaccinations, according to McMahon. Companies cannot offer both options at the same time. At restaurants that require vaccination certification, regular customers without vaccination certification cannot enter, even if they are wearing masks.

The state entrusts the county to enforce obligations that apply to all persons over the age of two in public indoor locations.

McMahon said it would be difficult to enforce. “There is no 100 percent compliance,” he said.

But McMahon said he expects most companies to follow the new rules.

Mr. McMahon said he would not ask the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Office or the Syracuse Police to carry out the mission.

Mr McMahon said the county may need to pay overtime to the county’s protection observers to help enforce it.

David Hoyne, owner of Kitty Hoynes Irish Pub & Restaurant in Armory Square, said the new rules could discourage people from going out to bars and restaurants.

“Of course, it wasn’t back to normal, but things have improved,” Hoyne said. “Now we have to see what happens.”

Madison County has announced that it will not force mandates.

In a prepared statement, Madison County President John M. Becker continued to recommend that residents be vaccinated and wear masks in public places to protect themselves from the virus. But I never believe it should be mandatory. ” .. “The choice to vaccinate and protect yourself is an individual responsibility.”

Five more residents of Onondaga County have died in Covid-19 in the last 24 hours.

They include men in their 80s with underlying illness and four females in their 50s, 60s, 80s and 90s. Three of the four women had an underlying medical condition.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the county’s Covid has died 890 people.

The county also reported that 132 Covid patients were admitted to Syracuse today, 32 of whom were admitted to the intensive care unit. Of the patients in the intensive care unit, 78% are unvaccinated.

The county reported an additional 370 newly confirmed Covid cases.

Since Thanksgiving, the number of new cases has increased.

McMahon said he expects the number of cases to decline over the next two weeks and increase again after Christmas.

— — Don Casentre contributed to this story

James T. Mulder covers health and higher education. Do you have any news tips? (315) 470-2245 or [email protected]




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