Experts warn as the virus spreads to the United States
Neither Tallahassee hospital has reported a case of Omicron, but experts say they will soon enter Leon County if they are not yet in Leon County.
When a heavy trip begins for a vacation, they encourage people who have not yet been vaccinated to do so, and if six months have passed since the vaccine series was completed, they will get a booster shot.
For more information:Where to get COVID testing, vaccination and treatment in Leon County
Dr. Dean Watson, Vice President and Chief Integration Officer at Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare (TMH), said he hopes Omicron will be in the community in the coming weeks.
However, he said he could not speculate on the possibility of increased hospitalization and death.
“It is very likely that there will be more cases based on improved transmission rates for new variants,” he said. “Early signs are that the Omicron variant may be more contagious, but the infected one may experience milder symptoms than the other variants.”
A study conducted by the University of Hong Kong and published Wednesday found that the Omicron mutant grows 70 times faster than the first COVID-19 infection or Delta mutant.
Is it a flu, a cold, or a variant of Omicron? How to know and when to get a COVID test
This study, similar to Watson’s claim, showed that lung omicron infection was significantly lower than previous mutants. This may indicate a low severity of the disease. This study is currently being peer reviewed for publication.
“The COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, so we urge the community to stay vigilant,” spokesman Rachel Styles of the Capital Regional Medical Center told Democrats Thursday.
“We highly recommend best practices such as wearing a mask, practicing social distance, and washing your hands frequently.”
New variant
Experts have identified the elusive Omicron strain, which first appeared in Florida last week, is five times more infectious than the Delta type.
The delta mutation struck unvaccinated people in Tallahassee and Florida from summer to early fall.
At Delta heights, Tallahassee hospitals reported well over 100 cases daily. In August and September, TMH reported 80 and 82 deaths, respectively. This was almost double the previous record set in January, 42.
From CDC:Omicron Variant: What You Need to Know
The first US case was confirmed in California on December 1. It currently exists in over 30 states.
It also accounts for an increasing proportion of COVID cases. According to CDC director Dr. Rochelle Warrensky, Omicron variants account for about 13% of the new COVID cases reported in New York and New Jersey. Researchers in Washington have found a similar trend.
Local breakdown
However, cases of COVID in the capital are on the rise, consistent with post-Thanksgiving state and national trends.
On December 3-9, more than 12 new cases were added, with the weekly percentage of positive cases skyrocketing from 2.7% to 3.6%. Health ministry officials were unable to provide the updated number.
However, hospitalization remains low.
Mark O’Brient, TMH’s president and chief executive officer, said Thursday that there were only three people in the COVID hospital. At that point, it was a new low. But by Friday afternoon, TMH had six COVID patients in the hospital, four were quarantined and two were not quarantined according to CDC guidelines, Watson said.
There were nine cases in CRMC.
“More data related to Omicron will be available in the coming weeks,” Watson added.
“If you are traveling, check the CDC website to understand the level of COVID activity that occurs at the location you visit. Continue to take appropriate precautions and enjoy the holiday season.”
Contact Christopher Cann ([email protected]) and follow @ChrisCannFL on Twitter.
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