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LA celebrates New Year with 45,000 new COVID cases | Coronavirus News

LA celebrates New Year with 45,000 new COVID cases | Coronavirus News
LA celebrates New Year with 45,000 new COVID cases | Coronavirus News


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Los Angeles County reported nearly 45,000 new cases of COVID-19 this weekend. This is a surprisingly high number given the typical delays in weekend reporting.

Authorities reported 23,553 new cases on Saturday and an additional 21,200 positive tests on Sunday, after 27,091 new infections were reported on Friday.

Four additional deaths associated with the coronavirus were also recorded this weekend. Two people each on Saturday and Sunday.

According to the Los Angeles County Public Health Service, the latest figures show that the county has accumulated 1,741,292 cases and 27,640 deaths since the pandemic began.

Meanwhile, county COVID hospitalizations continued to increase, increasing by more than 150 for the second straight day. According to the latest state statistics, the number of COVID patients in county hospitals has increased from 1,628 on Saturday to 1,792. Of these patients, 263 were in the intensive care unit. It increased from 246 people on the previous day.

As of Sunday, the daily test positive rate was 21.8%.

Health officials continued to urge residents to reduce high-risk activities, such as long-term unmasked indoor activities and crowded outdoor events.

Covid Number of Cases 1-2-22

“We hope that by working together to implement important public health measures, we can keep ourselves safe, protect our loved ones, and keep our schools and businesses open. “Masu,” said Barbara Ferrer, director of the county’s public health department. “Given the spread of more infectious strains of the virus during this surge, revocation can lead to explosive infections. When a person is in close contact with another person, especially indoors. A suitable and high quality mask is an important layer of protection, or an outdoor crowded space that cannot be distanced.

“Given that many infected people spread COVID 1-2 days before symptoms, masks can be annoying and unpleasant, but the physical barriers they create can reduce the spread of virus particles. is known.”

According to public health officials, there is evidence that only those who have recently completed the vaccination series or received booster immunization can prevent infection with the highly contagious Omicron variant.

“The days ahead are very difficult for all of us because we are faced with a very large number of cases, reflecting the spread of the virus. To get people to work and go to school, We all need to act responsibly, “Feller said. Late last week.

She also said that overall COVID mortality was relatively flat in the county, despite the dramatic surge in infectious diseases, but that could change, she said.

“Fortunately, the death toll is low and unchanged, because it’s only been about a week since hospitalizations began to increase,” she said.

Authorities say that about 90% of COVID deaths during a pandemic occurred in people with underlying illness. The most common conditions are high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease.

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