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Why unvaccinated people are at the mercy of Omicron Serge

Why unvaccinated people are at the mercy of Omicron Serge


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With the proliferation of Omicron variants across the United States, unvaccinated people with COVID-19 develop more serious illnesses than vaccinated people, and many die.Alexandre Milikovic / Getty Images
  • Several factors, including its high infectivity, led to a surge in the spread of coronavirus omicron variants.
  • People who have not been vaccinated have the highest risk of serious illness.
  • Vaccination greatly reduces the risk of hospitalization and death from illness.
  • Vaccination also reduces the burden on the healthcare system..

Delivered by President Joe Biden on January 4th remarks Prior to the meeting on COVID-19, we addressed the ongoing proliferation of Omicron variants of SARS-CoV-2.

Biden, in his remarks, discussed the high infectivity of the virus. He also emphasized the ongoing need for precautionary measures, especially vaccination and support.

As he had in the past, the president talked about an “unvaccinated pandemic.”

“As you know, I’m worried about Omicron, but don’t worry,” Biden said. “But if you’re not vaccinated, you have to worry. In many cases, if you get COVID-19 without vaccination, you often get a serious illness. The department will die — it will die unnecessarily. “

Why is this virus soaring? And why are the risks of unvaccinated people high?

Dr. Mohammad Sobani, Infectious disease doctor Ohio State University Wexner Medical CenterOmicron said it has replaced Delta as a major variant of the United States.

“It is much easier to transmit than the delta variant, and this has resulted in more infections nationwide,” he said.

In addition to making Omicron more contagious, there was an overall mitigation of mitigation efforts, Sobany said.

This includes indoor masking and physical or social distance exercises.

“This, coupled with the emergence of the more contagious Omicron mutants, has led to a surge beyond the Delta mutants,” he said.

Dr. Fahim Yunus, Vice President / Chief Quality Officer / Chief Infectious Diseases University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake HealthHe also noted that about 40% of the country is not fully vaccinated and only 36% of the population is boosted.

“Furthermore, this surge coincides with holidays,” Younus said. “Travel and collaborative activities related to such times are fueling more cases.”

Since the advent of the COVID-19 vaccine, the virus has affected unvaccinated people more than vaccinated.

November 22nd at White House Press conferenceDr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said unvaccinated people are about 6 times more positive than vaccinated people, 9 times more likely to be hospitalized, and more likely to die. Said that was 14 times higher. From COVID-related complications.

At that time, Delta variant Ruled when Valensky made a statement.

How has the situation changed now that Omicron has taken over?

The surge in Omicron is still fast. Still, most hospitals have expanded beyond capacity, and some hospitals (including his hospital system) are now operating under critical standard treatment.

“More than 75% of COVID-positive patients admitted to 12 hospitals in the University of Maryland’s healthcare system are unvaccinated,” Younus said. “Most of the remaining 25 percent have only taken one or two shots.”

Younus added that this wave was “dramatically worse” than Delta.

However, improved treatment has reduced the overall mortality rate of COVID-19 since the pandemic began.

In addition, breakthrough infections tend to be mild. S. Wesley Long, PhD, Researcher at Houston Methodist Hospital in Houston.

“At Delta, 43% of patients needed to be hospitalized and over 5% died. At Omicron, although it’s still early, just under 15% of patients need hospitalization, so far. A little less than 1% are dead, “Long said.

Some people wonder if a vaccine is worth it because it does not completely prevent illness or transmission to others.

But the purpose of the vaccine is not to completely prevent the infection, he says. Dr. Greg Closet, MPH, hospital epidemiologist University of Maryland Medical CenterSpecializes in infectious diseases and is an assistant professor of medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine.

This requires constant maintenance of very high levels of antibodies in the blood with frequent boosters.

Instead, the main purpose of vaccines is to prevent the serious consequences they are very good at.

Vaccines also do a good job of delaying the transmission of the virus, Schrank said.

“This is because vaccinated people release less virus in less time,” he added.

“Vaccinated individuals are still infected with COVID-19 and may spread the infection. However, the immune system built by vaccination works to eliminate the virus from the body more quickly. Therefore, the overall risk is low, “he added.

Schrank said the vaccine also reduces the burden on the health care system.

“Hospitals are full of patients with COVID-19 infections, most of whom are unvaccinated,” he said. “This not only poses challenges in the care of large numbers of people infected with COVID, but can also affect our ability to provide care to people with other medical needs due to limited beds and resources. . ”

Keeping people away from the hospital means that the hospital is less likely to face the risks of postponement of surgery, long waiting times in the emergency room, and the need for ration care.





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