Long-term use of blood pressure medications can contribute to kidney damage
![Long-term use of blood pressure medications can contribute to kidney damage Long-term use of blood pressure medications can contribute to kidney damage](
A new kidney study at the University of Virginia School of Medicine raises concerns that long-term use of commonly prescribed drugs to treat high blood pressure and heart failure may contribute to kidney damage.
Researchers say patients should continue to take medications, including well-known and widely used ACE inhibitors. But scientists are urging research to better understand the long-term effects of drugs.
Our studies show that renin-producing cells are the cause of damage. We now understand how these cells, which are very important to protect us from lowering blood pressure and maintain our well-being, make such changes and cause kidney damage. Focuses on that. What is needed is to identify substances that lead to the growth of blood vessels that these cells cannot control. “
Maria Luisa Sequeira Lopez Doctor of Medicine, UVA Pediatrics and Pediatric Health Research Center
Causes of kidney damage
Chronic hypertension affects 1 billion people worldwide. UVA researchers wanted to better understand why severe conditions often involve thickening of the arteries and small blood vessels of the kidneys, leading to organ damage.
They discovered that special kidney cells, called renin cells, play an important role. These cells usually produce renin, an important hormone that helps the body regulate blood pressure. However, harmful changes in renin cells can cause the cells to invade the walls of blood vessels in the kidney. The renin cells then cause the accumulation of another cell type, smooth muscle cells, which causes the blood vessels to thicken and harden. Result: Blood cannot flow through the kidneys.
In addition, researchers have found that long-term use of drugs that inhibit the renin-angiotensin system, such as ACE inhibitors, or Angiotensin receptor blocker, Has the same effect. These drugs are widely used for many purposes, including treating hypertension, congestive heart failure, heart attack, and preventing major heart problems. However, scientists have found that long-term use of the drug was associated with hardened kidney vessels in both laboratory mice and humans.
Researchers have pointed out that the drug can save the lives of patients, so they emphasize the importance of continuing to take the drug. However, they say additional research is needed to better understand the long-term effects of the drug on the kidneys.
Ariel Gomez, MD, Ph.D., Center for Pediatrics and Pediatric Health Research, UVA, said: “While hypertension is being treated with current drugs currently available, it is essential to find out which molecules these cells make so that they can be counteracted to prevent damage.”
Published survey results
Researchers published their findings in scientific journals JCI Insight. The article was chosen as a cover story. The research team consisted of Hirofumi Watanabe, Alexander G. Martini, Evan A. Brown, Schwinn Liang, Silvia Medrano, Shin Goto, Ichiei Narita, Royce J. Allend, Seceira Lopez, and Gomez. ..
This study was supported by the National Institutes of Health and funded P50 DK 096373, R01 DK 116718, R01 DK 116196, R01 DK 096373, and R01 HL 148044. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Overseas Researchers Association.
Journal reference:
Hideki Watanabe, et al. (2021) Inhibition of the renin-angiotensin system causes concentric hypertrophy of the renal arterioles of mice and humans. JCI Insight.
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