Ottawa’s COVID-19 hospitalization is stable while Ontario prepares to lift restrictions
Hospitalizations related to COVID-19 remained stable in Ottawa as Ontario announced plans to begin lifting restrictions on rallies and non-essential businesses.
Two new COVID-19-related deaths were reported in Ottawa on Thursday, bringing the number of COVID-19-related deaths to 652 since the start of the pandemic.
Ottawa Public Health reported on Thursday 84 people from Ottawa Hospital suffering from an active COVID-19 infection. It increased from 83 on Wednesday. There are eight people in the intensive care unit with active cases of COVID-19.
Ottawa Public Health reports only hospitalization of Ottawa residents due to hospital intervention for active COVID-19. To count as an inpatient intervention, admission must include treatment for active COVID-19 infection or be extended for active COVID-19. This also applies to people who may be infected with COVID-19 during hospitalization. Local hospitals report a large number of patients who test positive for COVID-19.
Queensway Carlton Hospital states that there are 63 patients who test positive for COVID-19 and 53 patients at Montfort Hospital who have COVID-19. There are 167 COVID-19 cases involving patients from Ottawa Hospital, and CHEO reports eight COVID-19 hospitalizations.
Thursday, Ontario announces three-step plan Gradually remove the restrictions on COVID-19.
“We are aiming to carefully mitigate public health measures, so we can be confident that the worst is behind us,” Prime Minister Doug Ford said Thursday. “We are now in a position to carefully and gradually ease public health measures.”
After January 31st, restaurants, gyms and cinemas will be open with 50% capacity. The collection limit will increase to 10 people indoors and 25 people outdoors.
Ottawa’s Key COVID-19 Statistics
COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people (January 12-18): 240.6 (decreased from 283.3)
Ottawa positive rate (January 12-18): 19.7 percent (down from 21.5 percent)
Number of reproductions (7-day average): 0.77 (up from 0.62)
Known active cases: 3,877 (-251)
A recall value greater than 1 indicates that the virus has spread and each case has infected multiple contacts. If it is less than 1, it means that the spread is slow.
The number of known active cases is the number of confirmed cases (based on tests) minus the number of resolved cases and deaths.
Hospitalization of Ottawa
There are 84 people with active COVID-19 infections in Ottawa’s hospital on Thursday, from 83 on Wednesday.
ICU has 10 to 8 people on Wednesday.
Age category of inpatients:
0-9: 0
10-19: 2
20-29: 2 (1 in ICU)
30-39: 2
40-49: 6
50-59: 5
60-69: 14 (2 in ICU)
70-79:23 (4 in ICU)
80-89: 22 (1 in ICU)
90 years and over: 8
(Ottawa Public Health is currently reporting inpatients with “active” infections)
Ottawa COVID-19 Vaccine
As of Wednesday:
Single dose Ottawa resident (5 +): 903,745 (+600)
Double dose Ottawa resident (5+): 837,010 (+788)
3 doses of Ottawa residents (12 years and older): 480,872 (+6,206)
Percentage of population 5 years and older with at least one dose: 91%
Percentage of fully vaccinated population over 5 years: 84%
* Statistics of Ottawa residents who have been vaccinated once or twice include those who have a zip code for Ottawa who has been vaccinated somewhere in Ontario.
Around the area
Eastern Ontario Health Unit: 65 in hospital, 8 in ICU *
Hastings Prince Edward Public Health: 35 in the hospital, 7 in the ICU
Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox & Addington Public Health: 14 in the hospital, 5 in the ICU
Leeds, Glenville & Lanark District Health Units: 20 at the hospital, 7 at the ICU
Renfrew County and District Health Units: 14 in hospital, 0 in ICU
Outaouais (Gatineau and Western Quebec): 135 in hospital, 6 in ICU
These numbers are based on the latest data from each health unit at the time of issuance.
* EOHU states that it is working on a new reporting system. The figures are as of January 17, 2022.
COVID-19 Outbreak
Ottawa Public Health is currently reporting active outbreaks in the following locations:
24 long-term care facilities
44 retirement homes
35 hospital units
56 other apartments (group homes, supported independent living, etc.)
OPH suspended reporting of outbreaks in the workplace on January 2nd.
A complete list of active locations is OPH’s COVID-19 dashboard.
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