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be on one’s mind?Try hugging your “breathing pillow”

be on one’s mind?Try hugging your “breathing pillow”


Thursday, March 10, 2022 (HealthDay News)-You can hug a soft, mechanized pillow that slowly simulates. Breathing Students with test stress avoid anxiety and stress?? British researchers are betting on it.

The pillow in question looks like a typical cushion, says research author Alice Haynes. She has her PhD. She is a candidate for the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom.

But when hugged, the light blue plush cushion potentially unfolds a therapeutic secret: a hidden inflatable pouch designed to imitate. Slow breathing..

According to Haynes, the goal is “to reduce the high levels of anxiety that students often experience during the exam.”

With that narrow goal in mind, the pillow No It has been tried among patients diagnosed with any form of chronic anxiety disorder.

However, early tests among healthy young people who routinely find themselves in stressful situations suggest that pillows are as effective as guided. meditation By minimizing anxiety.

In the March 9 issue of PLOS ONEHaynes explained that the pillow project originated from her highly specialized work in a field of study known as “emotional.” Tactile“This examines how tactile sensation can interact with robotics to enhance a person’s sense of well-being.

To find the most effective anxiety-reducing pillow design possible, the team first asked 24 British students (ages 21-40) to try out five different prototypes.

Relieve anxiety

Each of the four pillows mimics breathing. Heartbeat; Around; or throat and combine breathing. The fifth pillow emitted a diffuse ring of light.

Haynes and her colleagues have found that breathing pillows are rated best by a “quite high” number of users. A little over one-third agreed that the pillow “feels like breathing” when it’s functioning, and said the three felt like they were holding a cat when they had a pillow. ..

So the researchers decided to focus on the breathing pillow and improve the design for further testing.

The end result is about 14 inches long, 10 inches at the widest point, and 6 inches thick. Pillows covered with soft polyester microfiber and corduroy are intended to be hugged near the abdomen and chest.

Tubes that extend from external (and externally powered) pumps “plug” into the pillow’s internal mechanics, including the inflatable chamber. People using pillows keep the tube itself hidden from view (and no noise).

Similarly, the internal mechanics are embedded deep inside the pillow and set to mimic 10 breaths per minute. (The authors of the study pointed out that pillows are intended to reproduce slow breathing, as people usually breathe at a rate of 12-18 breaths per minute.)

When the design of the breathing pillow was completed, 129 adults aged 18-36 years (about 75% were female) participated in the test.

Everyone was first told that participants would take an oral math test where they had to answer questions in front of each other. The goal is to cause anxiety and social stress.

Need more testing

After that, the participants were randomly divided into three groups. meditation A group based on standard 8-minute breathing guidance provided via headphones. A group asked to spend the same time just sitting quietly and waiting (without accessing a cell phone). And pillow group. The pillow group was instructed to hold the cushion upright for 8 minutes while wearing sound-insulating headphones.

In separate rooms, each group completed multiple standard anxiety tests before, during, and after the experiment.

Researchers have found that cushions are not only as effective as meditation, but are particularly beneficial to students who often say they have experienced high test anxiety, Haynes said. Devices may be especially useful for those individuals.

“We also believe that breathing cushions can support a wide range of people, especially those who do not have access to existing methods and treatments such as meditation,” she explained.

As a prototype for research, Haynes said the cushions haven’t been sold or produced yet, so it’s unclear at this point if they can be covered by costs or insurance.

However, she explained that the pillows are intuitive and easy to use, even when doing other activities such as watching TV or talking to someone. “A complementary device that people can have at home to provide comfort and support when needed,” she said.

Martina Svensson is an assistant at the Institute for Experimental Neuroinflammation (ENL) at Lund University, Sweden. Although not involved in the study, she found that the findings “have a pillow that calms the mind in certain situations, for those who are not suffering from anxiety disorders but are just worried before a tough event. It may have some calming effect. “

At the same time, she emphasized the need for further research, perhaps including more objective measures against anxiety. Heart rate And breathing pattern. And Svensson reiterated the important warning that “it has not yet been evaluated whether this device is equally effective for diagnosed people.” Anxiety disorder.. “

For more information

Harvard Medical School has more information about students and anxiety.

Source: Alice C. Haynes, PhD-Affect Tactile Candidate, and Researcher at the University of Bristol, UK. Martina Svensson, PhD, Deputy Researcher, Experimental Neuroinflammation Institute (ENL), Lund University, Lund, Sweden. PLOS ONEMarch 9, 2022




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