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Dr. Krishnaela, Health News, ET HealthWorld

Dr. Krishnaela, Health News, ET HealthWorld


Science needs to be energized in India and scientists need to be blessed: Dr. Krishna EllaNew Delhi: Science plays an important role in achieving our country’s goals and addressing the greater concerns facing humanity today, and we need to congratulate scientists and Dr. T. Jacob. there is John He said it is a good example of its impact. Dr. KrishnaelaChairman and Chief Executive Officer, Covaxin Biotech.. “Speaking at the time of the book’s release”Polio – In Eradication Imbroglio: The Malady and its Remedy, written by Dr. T Jacob John, Dr. Ella emphasized the importance of honoring the science and great scientists of our country.

This book is written by a celebrity Virgologist Professor Emeritus of Virology, Christian Medical University, Dr. Velor T. Dr. Jacob John Danya Dharmapalan was officially released today by Dr. Krishnaela, a scientist, co-founder, chairman and managing director of New Delhi.

The book talks about polio encountered in the past and the pitfalls that currently exist in the management and prevention of pandemics and even epidemics.

Emphasizing microorganisms that cause infectious diseases such as polio is only by a unified global decision rapidly adopted by all countries and their governments, regardless of gross domestic product or the status of public health systems. , Can be eliminated and eradicated from the earth. This book allows each to spread a message to urgent and decisive universal action against new pathogens.

Regarding the author of this book, Dr. Ella said: .. Today, we are very honored to acknowledge and be deeply grateful that we are the father of Indian virology and have the foresight to eradicate polio. Today we are celebrating science, and the great scientists and virologists of our country. Science plays an important role in achieving our country’s goals and addressing the greater concerns facing humankind today, and Dr. John is a great example of its impact. “

At a rally shortly after the book was released, Dr. Jacob John said: .. That is the greatest lesson that science teaches us. For polio, scientific methodologies need to be used to prevent, control and eradicate polio. Experiment and create a model. The same is true for the coronavirus, but science is applied to measure its effectiveness. Intervention with evidence that is a way to move forward. “

He added that the book was written about his anger and anguish, seeing polio still affecting children in 2022. A book about everything. “

Dr. Jacob, who joined the Christian Medical College as a faculty member in 1959, became a professor of virology at the college. Dr. John Institute for Diagnostic Virology At Christian Medical College.

World-renowned scientists and supporters of the medical community, Dr. Rogergrass (Director of Fogarty International Center, Director of NIH International Research Associates) and Dr. Priya Abraham (Director of NIV), also have a relationship with Dr. John through video messages. I shared.

Dr. John has also held various prestigious positions, including Director of the ICMR Center for Advanced Studies in Virology and Director of the National AIDS Reference Institute for CMC. He was the National President of the Indian Medical Microbiologists Association and the Indian Pediatrics Association. And widely known for his gospel – immunize and protect children.

As a former president of the Rotary Club of Vellore, Dr. John allegedly played an important role in eradicating polio in India and other countries by persuading him through the Pulse Polio Program. Rotary International Take up polio eradication as an international voluntary movement.

Freeing children from the threat of polio in Velor in 1982 was one of his most prominent public medical activities, and then RI Pulse in 1984 to ensure polio eradication around the world. He has been nominated as a founding member of the Polio Program.

Dr. Jacob chaired the Government of India’s Expert Advisory Group on Polio Eradication until 2010. No polio In February 2014, he was in charge of managing tuberculosis (TB).




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