Latina had higher levels of many potentially dangerous chemicals-ScienceDaily
A national study that enrolled a very diverse group of pregnant women for over 12 years found increased exposure to chemicals from plastics and pesticides that could be harmful to development.
Many of the chemicals exposed to women were alternative chemicals. A new form of chemical that has been banned or phased out and can be as harmful as a woman’s replacement. The study found that many women were exposed to neonicotinoids, a pesticide toxic to honeybees.
Researchers have used new methods to collect dozens of chemicals or traces of chemicals from a single urine sample, primarily from pesticides, plastics, and alternative chemicals to BPA and phthalates to 103 chemistry. I measured the substance.
Over 80% of the chemicals were found in at least one woman in the study, and more than one-third of the chemicals were found in the majority of participants. The study also found that some of these chemicals were present in higher quantities than were seen in previous studies.
Dr. Tracy J. Woodruff, Professor and Director of the University of California, San Francisco, said: The University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) program on reproductive health and the environment, co-director of the UCSF EaRTH Center, lead author of the study, and published online May 10, 2022. Environmental science and technology.. “Our findings reveal that the number and range of chemicals in pregnant women is increasing during a period of development that is very vulnerable to both pregnant people and the fetus.”
Prenatal exposure to industrial chemicals can result from air, food, water, plastics, and other industrial and consumer products. Although these chemicals can be harmful to pregnancy and child development, some of these chemicals are routinely monitored in people.
The study included 171 women in California, Georgia, Illinois, New Hampshire, New York, and Puerto Rico. For these women, the National Institutes of Health’s environment influences their children’s health outcome programs. About one-third (34%) was white, 40% was Latina, 20% was black, and the remaining 6% were from other or multiple groups.
The study found high exposure to non-white women, less educated women, single women, or women exposed to tobacco. However, Latina contained particularly high levels of parabens, which are used as preservatives, and phthalates and bisphenols, which are used in plastics.
“Pesticides and alternative chemicals were widespread in all women, but I was surprised at the significantly higher levels of Latina’s parabens, phthalates, and bisphenols,” said an associate professor of environmental health engineering and epidemiology. One Dr. Jesse Buckley said. , Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Graduate School of Public Health and Lead Author of Research. “This could be the result of high exposure to products containing chemicals, such as processed foods and personal care products,” says Buckley.
Funding: The studies reported in this publication are under the awards numbers U2COD023375 (Coordination Center), U24OD023382 (Data Analysis Center), U24OD023319 (Data Analysis Center), and the environment for child health outcomes in the Director’s Office of the National Institutes of Health. Supported by the Impact (ECHO) program. PRO Core), U2CES026542 (HHEAR), and UH3OD023251, UH3OD023272, UH3OD023275, UH3OD023287, UH3OD023290, UH3OD023318, UH3OD023342, UH3OD023349, UH3OD023347, UH3OD02
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