What is an ectopic pregnancy? Does egg determination affect treatment?
In the wake of the overthrow of the Supreme Court Roe v. WadeWomen and healthcare providers across the country, who have ruled out constitutional rights to access to abortion, are asking how the ruling has widespread impact on assisted reproductive technology.
13 states have a trigger method It immediately banned abortion and came into effect after or shortly after the Supreme Court’s ruling. These laws allow an exemption if an abortion is required to prevent a pregnant woman from dying.
However, female healthcare providers have recently been ruled out. Questions raised About their ability to treat ectopic pregnancy, life-threatening complications. The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology warned Prohibition of abortion can cause confusion and prevent patients from accessing timely care, even except for ectopic pregnancies.
“We are already View on Twitter and elsewhere “Doctors who are afraid to treat ectopic pregnancies,” said Dr. Eileen Galliepee, head of complex family planning for Weil Cornell Medicine in New York City. “Our job as a doctor is to follow science and evidence-based medicine. It’s about keeping up to date and doing what’s right for the patient. It’s the nuances of how the legislature wrote something. Not. “
What is an ectopic pregnancy?
An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg is transplanted to the wrong place on the woman’s body. Therefore, instead of sticking to the inner wall of the uterus, the uterus can survive and grow elsewhere.
is more than 90 percent timeIn an ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized egg is implanted in one of the female fallopian tubes, connecting the ovaries to the uterus. The fallopian tubes are thin and full of blood vessels. Rupture of fertilized eggs can cause large internal bleeding, as can occur when fertilized eggs grow in the duct.
Rarely, an ectopic pregnancy may be transplanted to another location, such as the ovary, cervix, or scar from a previous caesarean section.
Who is at risk for an ectopic pregnancy?
Ectopic pregnancy is rare. National estimates that rely on hospital and insurance records are 1% and 2% The rate of pregnancy in the United States is ectopic.
An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg becomes clogged on its way to the uterus, increasing the risk for women who have a damaged fallopian tube or are damaged by inflammation. for example, Woman People who have had fallopian tube surgery or have certain sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia may be at high risk.
Other potential risk factors include fertility drugs such as in vitro fertilization.
However Notes from American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists About half of women with an ectopic pregnancy do not have known risk factors.
Why is an ectopic pregnancy not feasible?
Dr. Beverly Gray, an associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology and founder of the Duke Sexual and Advocacy Mobilization Team, said ectopic pregnancy is never feasible. Fertilized eggs cannot survive outside the womb.
“There is no way to re-transplant them,” she explained. “There is no way for pregnancy to survive.”
Women with an ectopic pregnancy may have a positive pregnancy test, not just because the pregnancy is proceeding normally, but because the body produces human chorionic gonadotropin (pregnancy hormone).
And when a fertilized egg is transplanted into the fallopian tubes, the life of the woman is at risk.
“I think it’s like a time bomb,” Dr. Gray said, adding that in her experience, this condition is usually diagnosed between the 5th and 8th week of pregnancy. “This is a pregnancy, and as it continues to grow, the tube ruptures, causing essentially uncontrollable bleeding.”
What is the cure for ectopic pregnancy?
Dr. Galiepy said that in rare cases, the body spontaneously excretes ectopic pregnancy. However, for the majority of women, the only option is medication to get rid of pregnancy and surgery.
If an ectopic pregnancy is diagnosed within days or weeks of implantation (when there is no dangerous bleeding), doctors tend to use a drug called methotrexate.It is given by injection, which stops the cells from growing and ends the pregnancy, which is reabsorbed by the body. several weeks.. Methotrexate Abortion due to drugsThis includes taking two different medications, mifepristone and misoprostol, at 24-48 hour intervals to block progesterone and initiate contractions.
Another early treatment option is laparoscopic surgery. In this surgery, the doctor makes a small incision in the abdomen and uses a thin tube with a camera lens and a light to identify the area. The practitioner can remove the pregnancy only or both the pregnancy and the fallopian tubes.
However, as the pregnancy continues to grow, the fallopian tubes can rupture, causing massive, life-threatening bleeding. In such cases, emergency surgery is required.
What is the warning sign?
Signs of early warning of an ectopic pregnancy include mild vaginal bleeding, pelvic or low back pain or cramps. These symptoms closely overlap with the common signs of early pregnancy and can confuse women.
Dr. Galiepee also said that some women are initially asymptomatic. This is one of the reasons why regular prenatal screening is important early in pregnancy.
“It can be when you go to the first prenatal promise, and-if this was the desired pregnancy-you want to see a small gestational sac, and we have a pregnancy that grows in the womb. I don’t see it, “she said.
As the ectopic pregnancy grows, the symptoms become more serious. Women may experience sudden, severe pain in the abdomen and pelvis, shoulder pain and weakness, and fainting. Women experiencing any of these symptoms should immediately go to the emergency room.
Will the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the Roe v. Wade case change the way ectopic pregnancies are treated?
Again, the current 13 state-level abortion bans exempt emergency care.
Still, abortion “Essential elements of healthcare “Warns that bans may interfere with the treatment of ectopic pregnancies, even if certain exclusions are included. The ban can cause confusion for patients and healthcare providers, the group says.
These concerns are purely speculative, but Dr. Galiepee said he believes they are in the doctor’s head.
“The turmoil is really scary for many who don’t know what to do or whether they can treat an ectopic pregnancy,” she said.
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