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A California man regretted attending died one day after coronavirus


A California guy posted regrets on Facebook about the Coronavirus contract after attending a party in June. One day later he died in COVID-19.

On June 20, Thomas Macias wrote a fervent message to Facebook and lamented that he ignored guidance on social distance.

Thomas Macias died of a coronavirus complication.

“Maybe you know,” wrote 51-year-old Macias. “I went out a few weeks ago,” and got the coronavirus.

Macias, a truck driver, expressed guilt that he might have exposed his family to the virus.

“Because of my stupidity, I endangered the health of my mother and sisters and my family,” he wrote. “This was a very painful experience.”

“I would appreciate God’s help,” he added, “I will be able to survive this.”

He died the next day.

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An official from Vital Records’ Riverside County Office told NBC News Wednesday that Macias died at COVID-19.

From the end of March to the beginning of June, Mathias was out only when needed, his brother-in-law Gustavo Lopez said in a telephone interview Wednesday.

“He was overweight and had diabetes, so he was isolated,” Lopez said.

The indecision is blurred by NBC News.Courtesy Gustavo Lopez

However, Lopez said at some point in early June-after Governor Gavin Newtham announced it would ease restrictions on social distances-Masias attended a party at Lake Elsinore about 70 miles southeast of Los Angeles. Stated.

A friend of Macias, who was also at the party, then contacted him and tested positive for COVID-19, a disease caused by the coronavirus, Lopez said.

A friend told Matthias that he was aware of the diagnosis when he attended the meeting, but did not believe he could infect others because he had no symptoms.

A friend advised everyone who attended the party to take the test.

Naturally, Lopez said, Mathias was upset. Still, he said that Mathias was responsible for his actions, as evidenced by his Facebook post.

Mr Lopez wasn’t sure how many people went to the party, but Mr Macias said he was among the more than 12 people who signed for COVID-19.

Before being tested, Macias visited his wife Veronica, who is married to Lopez, on June 11th at the couple’s house. Lopez remembers worried about Macias after his visit.

“He didn’t look right,” Lopez said. “He was really sweaty.”

Marcias, who was not married and had no children, soon felt sick and believed to be associated with diabetes.

He was tested for COVID-19 on June 16 and had a positive diagnosis on June 18. In his Facebook post two days later, Macias asked people to take the coronavirus seriously.

“This is not a joke,” he wrote. “If you need to go out, wear a mask and practice at a social distance.”

According to Lopez, he was rushed to the hospital around 11:00 am on June 21. He was ventilated between 6 pm and 7 pm and died by 9 pm.

“I think he wanted people to know. This is true,” Lopez said. “It’s serious and kills people.”

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Mathias is remembered by his family as a “good man” with many friends.

“He will do anything for everyone,” Lopez said. “I have no questions.”

He has survived by his mother, two sisters, four nieces and two great nieces.

Veronica Lopez said her brother was always smiling and greeting people, not a grudge.

“He used to say the opinions were irrelevant,” Lopez said.

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