90% of people who lost their sense of smell due to COVID-19 recover in 2 years
- Over 27 million people worldwide have experienced COVID-related loss of smell or taste.
- Many of these individuals have had symptoms that have persisted for 6 months or more.
- New research suggests that most patients regain these sensations within two years.
- Research continues into how COVID-19 affects taste and smell.
- These loss of sensation are more common in early variants of COVID-19, and fewer people report these problems now that Omicron is the dominant strain of the virus.
When COVID-19 broke out, several key symptoms were noted, including loss of taste and smell. And it soon became clear that for some people, the symptoms persisted long after the infection was over.
Researchers have struggled to figure out how long it takes for those sensations to return, which is somewhat inconclusive. doing.
Investigation continues
105 individuals (88.2% of the participant sample) who experienced changes in taste and smell at 4 weeks post-infection reported complete resolution of symptoms at 2 years. On the other hand, 11 (9.2%) reported a decrease in symptom severity and 3 (2.5%) reported a change or worsening of symptoms.
All patients in the study experienced the first COVID-19 variant, not the more recently emerging Omicron strain or subvariant.Loss of smell and taste seems to have been the more common symptom
Indeed, the study highlights that the newer omicron subspecies “have been observed to have less frequent and less severe effects on chemosensory functions.”
The researchers noted that their finding that sensation was fully restored in the majority of patients contradicted several other reports. It should be reassured that the recovery of patients may continue for many months after onset.”
“COVID-19 infection and long-term COVID-related odor and taste changes include complete loss of smell and taste, reduced smell and taste, and changes in smell and taste. Vanessa Wuat the University of California, Irvine (UCI) Health Post COVID-19 Recovery Service.
“A burning odor is a common complaint from patients. [while] Some people say that everything smells the same, no matter what it smells like.” Dr. Amy EdwardsInfectious Diseases Specialist and Assistant Professor, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Cleveland, Ohio.
“Some patients say that cooked food tastes like chlorine. [and] A lot of people say the meat is rotten or tastes like chemicals or metal,” Edwards continued. “It can really be presented in many different ways.”
researchers have discovered
However, some men have found that symptoms become more severe at onset.
“We don’t know why women take longer on average to recover their sense of taste and smell after being infected with COVID-19,” said Wu. “One theory is [they] The baseline smells/tastes better and may be more sensitive to change. “Other theories include estrogen effects and a greater inflammatory response,” she added.
It has also been noted whether a person smokes and whether a person has both (or just one of the two) loss of smell and taste.
Researchers also point out that it’s not just adults that are affected. Olfactory loss and dysgeusia
As with many elements of this disease, uncertainty is prevalent.
Regarding smell, the main idea is that the infection affects the cells of the nasal mucosa. “Local inflammation occurs in response to infection, disrupting the ability of these cells to create and/or display olfactory receptors in the nose,” Wu revealed. Cells that support nerve cell health and function may also be affected.”
Another hypothesis is that “either the virus could directly affect olfactory nerve cells, or the inflammatory response could affect these nerve cells,” Wu continued.
How does it taste? COVID infection may be directly affecting taste buds, Wu said. I think.”
Long-term alterations or complete loss of the sense of smell and taste can have significant impacts on a wider range of health.
First and foremost, the obvious is to enjoy the food.
“Eating is part of how we interact as humans,” Edwards said. “For a subset of the population, this pleasure has now been taken away.”
In addition, decreased propensity to eat can adversely affect weight and nutrition.
moreover, research Experiencing loss of sense of smell or taste was found to “significantly reduce quality of life,” especially with respect to mental health. study 43% of over 300 COVID patients with loss of taste or smell report feeling depressed.
There are also safety aspects to consider.
“Smell is one of the senses that our bodies use to detect danger. For example, we can smell the smoke of a fire. It can be a concern,” Wu said.
Naturally, anyone experiencing loss of taste or smell seeks ways to encourage their return.
“I’m not aware of any cure for loss of taste,” Edwards said, but smell retraining therapy could be a potential help for the nose.
“[This] You should sniff strong and memorable scents regularly while concentrating on odor memories,” Wu explained. It is considered.”
Studies have also investigated whether nasal or oral steroids can help restore the sense of smell, but the findings are mixed and relatively limited, and more research is needed.
Loss of sense of smell and taste is a concern for many COVID-19 patients, and the dysfunction can be long-lasting. However, this new study shows that most people can fully recover from these within two years of infection.
However, it’s important to note that these findings are only relevant for people who have experienced “mild symptoms” of COVID-19. Researchers did not investigate the effects on patients with more severe symptoms.
For those experiencing loss or dysfunction of their sense of smell, smell retraining therapy can help speed the road to recovery. We continue to investigate other approaches.
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