5 Royal Palaces In Rajasthan Where Bollywood Movies Were Filmed

Bollywood and royalty go hand in hand. Whether through royal faces or royal venues, Bollywood always finds a niche for itself. Bollywood movies are known for their extravagant filming locations, so how far can they be from shooting in India’s royal state, Rajasthan? Well, we associate this list of royal palaces in Rajasthan where prominent Bollywood movies were filmed.
1. Laxmi Nivas Palace, Rajasthan Khoobsurat
The story of a prince reuniting with his princess, starring Sonam Kapoor and Fawad Khan, the film Khoobsurat was shot at Laxmi Nivas Palace in Rajasthan. For those who wish to discover this magnificent palace, various living rooms and spaces are available to experience royalty up close.
follow this link here.
2. Yeh Jawaani Hain Deewani The Oberoi Udaivilas, Udaipur
Yeh Jawani Hain Deewani sets the perfect example of team goals, friend weddings, and exotic pursuits. We simply loved every detail of Aditi’s wedding at the Oberoi Udaivilas in Udaipur. If you also want to organize a wedding as exclusive as Aditi’s, take a look. here.
Also Read – This 300-year-old palace in Jaipur was the filming location of the original Bhool Bhulaiyaa
3. Bol Bachchan The Chomu Royal Palace, Jaipur
We think you remember how Ajay Devgn made us ROFL with his funny dialogues in the movie Bol Bachchan. But aside from the comedic scenes, what captivated us was the film’s setting. Damn, they looked super regal and aesthetic! And the location was none other than the elegant 300-year-old Chomu Royal Palace in Jaipur. In Rajasthan, it is one of the royal seaside resorts that imposes itself on you. Head here.
4. Bajirao Mastani Amer Palace, Jaipur
Remember Deepika Padukone in the iconic movie, Bajirao Mastani, she blew us away with her extraordinary performance. And we were also impressed by the glamorous location of the film. Well, that’s the beauty of historic spaces! They make every scene, photo or video so glamorous. Bajirao Mastani was shot dead at Amer Palace in Jaipur. Upon observing this majestic fort, there are other beautiful places to see here. You will be impressed by the Sheesh Mahal, underground tunnels that connect Amer to the Jaigarh Fort. So mystical and beautiful. Follow this link to find out After.
5. Baaja Baaraat Lallgarh Palace Group, Bikaner
This film, Band Baaja Baaraat, impressed us with the wedding festivities and all that happens at royal family weddings. And, of course, Ranveer Singh and Anushka Sharma gave head-on performances. They shot this interesting scenario at Lallgarh Palace in Bikaner, Rajasthan. Don’t miss its extravagance and royal residence. follow the link here.
Could you choose between these royal palaces in Rajasthan for your next trip? Let us know which are your favorites.
Cover image: Laxmi Niwas Palace/Bajirao Mastani
Sources 2/ https://curlytales.com/5-royal-palaces-in-rajasthan-where-bollywood-movies-were-shot/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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